I am turning 21 this coming week. I have heard horror stories of people being turned down for a drink?!
Answers: either on their 21st birthday or afterwards. Liquor stores are cruel and superficial. I am going to proudly show them off my ID but, what if they still deny me a beer or something? Which agency can I report them to?
I don't think you can report a vendor for not selling you liquor. It is up to the vendor's discretion. There are vendors out there who will turn someone away if they look unger than 21 regardless of what their ID says. There are still many instances where IDs can be faked. I have an aunt who, when she was in her mid-20s, was denied a bottle of wine at one liquor store because the vendor didn't believe her ID. She was able to buy the wine at another store, though. Then, there are those who won't card you at all. As long as you have the money, they'll sell you the beer. Other factors that may impede your purchase of alcohol may include the type of establishment you are in, the group you're with, how young you look, etc.
Bottom line: if one place won't sell you a beer, go somewhere else.
There is nothing "horrific" about being denied alcohol.
they will be glad to sell it to you.
If you are 21, have one or two forms of picture id, are not already hammered and have some cash then there is no reason why you will be denied your purchase. And if they won't serve you, then just go somewhere else......
I only wish that I looked young enough to get proofed. Enjoy it while it lasts
as long as you have your ID on your they will serve you.
i get asked for id all the time... but then i do tend to get mystaken for a 15year old... im only 22 but you gets used to it, and there only cheacking your age cuz they dont want to get into trobble for selling to underagers
You can't report them, but you could of course press a civil suit against them - you can sue anybody for anything; it might get tossed out of court by the judge, or you might spend a lot of money on legal fees and not be successful. Your call!
Your best bet is to go to a liquor store where they can subtract, or better yet, where their cash register does the subtraction for them, or has a "legal birthdate to buy alcohol today" kind of display.
Anyone can deny selling you alcohol for any reason and they really dont even have to have one. I used to be a cashier at a grocery store and the first thing they told us regarding alcohol sales is if you dont feel comfortable selling a particular person alcohol then no one can make you the truth is even if someone shows a clerk id and it just happens to be fake if something happens the cashier can acctually be arrested
We took my daughter to a restaurant for her 21st, and she ordered a mixed drink and was so happy to get carded. (she only took about two sips of it, but she had fun)
I've never heard of someone who was sober AND had valid ID getting turned down.
The only "turning 21" horror story I know is a shipmate who was looking forward to his first New Years Eve as a 21-plus-a-couple-days-old -- and we ended up shipping out right after Christmas, and spent New Year's Eve in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
No liquor stores for hundreds of miles -- the horror! :-)
I don't see why liquor stores would turn you down the law is 21
Bring your ID.
on my 21st birthday, some grouchy old man wouldn't sell to me because he "didn't like my I.D." so i knocked over and smashed a few bottles on the way out.
just make sure you go to your DMV and get your Over 21 license before you go around. Some places will deny you if you do not have your new ID
Just tell them you will go elsewhere and that you will never shop there again.
If you are 21 you will be served. Unless the bartender thinks you have a fake ID.
I bartended for 6 years. If I thought someone had a fake I did not serve them. If they wanted to complain, i sen them to the manager. If they wanted to complain even further, I sent them to the owner. Still complaining, I told them to call the police.
One girl actually called the police and they just laughed at her. The police would rather have a bartender not serve someone they question than make a mistake and serve a minor.
It's just life and get used to it.