Do some alcohols make women act more loose and promiscuious??!


Do some alcohols make women act more loose and promiscuious??

if so which ones? and why does it affect them this way? any science behind this?

and no im not a sicko im just wondering why some alcohols affect certain behaviors more so then other alcohols.

it's not the alcohol as much as the woman. alcohol releases inhibitions. people do things they wouldn't normally do for fear of embarrassment when under the influence.

I personally find tequila to be quite an aphrodisiac. I am always in a good mood and always in the mood.

Well, I am the most frigid girl ever when it comes to promiscuity... but the one time I was completely wasted and I was dancing and taking clothing off and being a complete tease to every guy that came up to me... it suprised everyone I knew including myself because I'm nothing like that normally.

I haven't gotten that drunk since lol

Why would you ask this unless you wanted to get a female drunk so you can "get lucky". you pig!

I've talked to several women that swear some particular kind of booze affects them differently. Sometimes it makes the loose and easy, sometimes it makes them hostile and aggressive.

But personally, I think it's more the mood they're in when they start drinking. Any correlation to types of alcohol are probably related to taste preferences when in those moods.

well all alcohol makes everyone lower their inhibitions so that is sort of a trick questions cause it affects everyone in that way in most cases anyway. but if you depressed and ready to jump then i suppose you might be more inclined to( hang loose) for lack of a better term.

Depends on chemistry my friend.

Where do I begin...

i don't think any drinks are worse in particular. it depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. obviouslyu the drinks with more alcohol, such as drinking shots straight will affect the girl quicker, but if enough beer for example is consumed, it will have the same effect. remember htough that the woman's size and alcohol tolerance will affect the rate at which she feels the buzz.

the bottom line is, alcohol affects your judgement. people do things they wouldn't normally do and make decisions more freely. alcohol consumed in any way will have these effects, regardless if you drink two cases of beer, a few martinis, or a glass of your great-granpda's 190 proof moonshine recipe. hope this helps.

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