Does drinking coffee with alcohol keep you awake?!


Does drinking coffee with alcohol keep you awake?

when i'm really_faced i get really tired if i drank coffee with my drank would that keep me awake?

those two are a dangerous combination - like the other person said - caffiene is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant - so combining the two doesn't allow your body to feel just how drunk you are, it can cause you to drink more than your body can normally tolerate which can lead to alcohol poisoning, if you need to drink coffee at the end of the night to sober up a little, that's fine - just don't drink it while you are drinking alcohol.

The only time I mixed alcohol and caffeine, I still fell asleep but I had the worst nightmares ever!

Because coffee contains cafeine, which is a central nervous system stimulant.

no and you need to chill out because you have bad english -you drunk?


Why don't you drink lipton or luzianne instead.

Coffee is very strong, and then you come
down quick if you don't keep drinking it.

I haven't drunk coffee in 3 or 4 years. It's
okay for some people, but if I want to stay
up and party, I drink Luzianne. BUT I don't
use any sweetener, including sugar. That
sounds weird yeah, but the sugar also is
a temporary lift, and then you crash, on
the sofa maybe.


The fact of the matter is that COFFEE has caffeine in it.
Caffeine is a stimulant. It stimulates the nerves.

Alcohol on the other hand, is a nerve depressant. It wants to make the body wind down for sleep.

Better not get shaaat-faced too often, it's bad for you, kills brain cells, in the extreme it makes holes in your brain----- and coffee won't necessarily keep you awake.

well coffee and alcohol aren't really a good mix, so you can try drinking coffee and soda or tea,they both have caffeine in them also.

yes, but it does not lower your blood alcohol, you are a wide awake drunk

When you become a responsible drinker, consider some alcoholic beverages that actually go well with coffee... such as Bailey's Irish Cream, Kalua, Tia Maria or Bolivar. All go well in coffee.... YUM!!!!!!!

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