WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS COMBINATION ??? ANY IDEA ??? drinksss heeeeeeeelp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~?!
Answers: im partying with my friends tonight and i want to make my own drink ( we are all at legal age). So i have Vodka, Red Bull , Sprite and lemon joice....what is the best combination ? i want something that tastes good....thanks a lot !!!
vodka and red is popular.. so is vodka and sprite... I would try a shot of vodka (mixed with a little lemon juice) dropped into half a can of red bull (like a mock orange tic tac --orange vodka and red bull) and chug! shooters are the best.
red bull tastes and smells nasty. from what i hear, vodka is disgusting as well. there is lemon juice is sprite, so...there's not much you can do there.
just stick with the vodka and sprite
if you had rasberry vodka you could use that and sprite - my boy friend and i do that - we call it "fruity pebbles" b/c tastes just like 'em - SOOOO YUMMY!!!
have fun tonight!!! party it up!
Has the booze culture advanced to the point where you no longer drink your preference from the VAST amount of alcohol types available? To he point where one has to experiment with mixing various things together! I'm not criticising, I'm just a little worried where it's all heading!
Good luck with your hangover tomorrow!
your best bet is a Vodka Seven (Vodka & 7Up/Sprite), those ingredients are horrible and don't mesh.
You can try a vodka, sprite, lemon combination but the red bull is certainly an outcast in this group.
1 part vodka, 1/2 part lemon juice, 4 parts sprite...try that...but your ingredients put you in a horrible predicament
My German Cousin In laws mix Vodka and Red bull!! that is all he drinks when he comes to visit here in the US
Vodka and red bull would be okay, but vodka citrus citrus and citrus?
Try Sierra Nevada Pale Ale if you like chewing on citrus rind. Or go to a brew pub and ask if they have any IPA made with Columbus hops.