URGENT help w/ a friend! ....drinking?!

Question: my very very best guy friend made a bet that if he drinks down a six pack of beer he can get tickets to his favorite concert....

at first i didnt think anything of this....because i used to drink a lot....but after a while i thought about it.....he has only drank a FEW times....and has never been drunk.....

wont he hurt himself!?!
alcohol posioning....? i know my limits but he doesnt know his.....i really want to call him and make him stop because im getting a bad feeling....but i want a reasonable cause!

Answers: my very very best guy friend made a bet that if he drinks down a six pack of beer he can get tickets to his favorite concert....

at first i didnt think anything of this....because i used to drink a lot....but after a while i thought about it.....he has only drank a FEW times....and has never been drunk.....

wont he hurt himself!?!
alcohol posioning....? i know my limits but he doesnt know his.....i really want to call him and make him stop because im getting a bad feeling....but i want a reasonable cause!

It depends on many things such as, weight, muscle mass, size of the beers, the alcohol content (5% is average) and if he has food in his stomach. It also matters on how fast he drinks them. If he spends the entire evening drinking only the six he may be allright. Should he try to be a "tough" guy and drink them fast he will likely get very sick and throw up all over the place. His chance of dying would be unlikely, but still a possibility. I would encourage him to not do it and certainly not if he is under age.

If you have a bad feeling...don't wait for a "reasonable cause"! Call him now and tell him how you feel. It might not stop him but it might make him think twice. You will also be able to get it off your chest. Good luck.

For 99.999...% of the population a single sixpack will NOT cause alcohol poisoning.
However, if he rarely drinks, he will likely pass-out before he completes the sixpack.

A former law enforcement officer I know once met a woman with a .02%bac whom was passed-out cold...behind the wheel of a moving car. He walked over and when he noticed she was unresponsive, turned the engine off and called for an ambulace to transport her to a hospital.

Personally, two glasses on an empty stomach and I'm buzzed.

I'd probably pass-out on beer #4 or 5.

He'll probably be fine in the end, but he'll likely get pretty smashed.
I wouldn't recommend it because there are a lot of variables for how people react, especially how long they take to consume.
I'd call it off, no sense in getting sick for a concert.

Grate ,if you have this feel for him call and stop him.

I think it would be lame for a grown man to get alcohol poisoning from a 6 pack of beer. How old is he??

A six pack is about 2 liters - what you drink during dinner to some, a dangerous amount to others. (I knew someone who used a few liters to wet his lips before he started dinner - and quenched his thirst during dinner with more beer, having a couple of liters for desert. But he'd been drinking beer [not the yellow water we have in the US] all his life.)

that shouldn't do much...
make sure he's okay!

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