Do I Have An Alcohol Problem?!


Do I Have An Alcohol Problem?

I don't drink during the week only at weekends, I have about 6-7 tins on both Friday and Saturday nights, I never go out I only drink in the house in front of the tv.

Problem being I've been doing this for about 8 years every weekend, Does that make me have a problem?

Not at all. You have control.

Try not doing it next weekend. If you can do that then it's not a problem. If you can't it is a problem. Maybe you need to get out with friends more instead of sitting at home in front of the TV.

yes they still sell it

no u do not have a problem a true alcoholic is someone who drinks to get wasted every time ive been around alcoholics ( im a bartender) some alcoholics dont even drink everyday i know a lot of people who drink jus one or two beers everyday but they arent alcoholics an alcoholic is someone who cant just drink one beer he has to get obliterated

sounds to me like some one is ragging on you You dont sound like you are an abuser with it but if you talk to someone in AA they will freak out on you---basically dont worry about it tell who ever is bugging you to shut up

This problem you think you have raises other questions: Do you crave the beer or wine? Can you afford it or are you taking money from other places in your budget just to satisfy this habit? Have you gained weight? Is your drinking affecting your family in a negative way? Are your loved ones suggesting that it has become a problem or are they "tiptoeing" around you about the subject? Do you behave badly when you drink or perhaps it causes you to be ill the next day so that family plans have to be changed?

You might also want to think about the effect, over the long term, that drinking has on your liver.

Maybe ease up on the amount.....moderation, you know.

its all relative........if you think you have a problem, or if it is becoming a habit to the point of you not being able to have control, then yes, you have a problem

You don't need to be drinking every day to be an alcoholic. Could you go the weekend without having any drink?
Six or seven tins in one evening represent binge drinking and over a long period of time it could harm your health.

No not at all enjoy :)

If you go a day without drinking than your not a alcoholic as far as I'm concerned.

Only difference between drunks and alcoholics is the alcoholic goes to meetings.

You need to get out more too..Every weekend for the last 8 years? man, thats pityful

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