What are some good tasting wines?!
Answers: Something not too harsh...
Each taste is different do you like sweet dry what ever a store has in there for you.
My absolute favorite is Pino Grigio. Its a white wine, and many different brands make it but the best I've found is by Santa Margarita. Its a little pricey, but really worth it.
moscato (its sweet and good)
Can you give us a clue, here. What wine do you want? Red? White? Dry? Sweet? What do you want?
Here's an example of a red wine/ The variety is Merlot. It is not a complete list of all Merlots that are available. It is just what this store offers. Take a look. The search goes on for 21 pages if you're interested.
Annies Lane, very very tasty
white zinfandel by Beringer perfect for when you can't decide bettween white and red.