Beer n Being Drunk?!


Beer n Being Drunk?

Why is it that despite its lower percentage of alcohol, beer seemingly gets you drunker quicker than other drinks of higher percentage? Leaving out the fact that it's more for cheaper...
Australian beer btw... none of that weak american crap...

weak american crap....why I oughta......

because you don't typically drink hard liquor straight (in mass quantities) its usually mixed, lowering its alcohol by volume.

say beer is 10% alcohol (U.S. it is 5 give or take)

and vodka is 50% alcohol

(5) 12 oz beers = (1) 12oz vodka

most people will drink 1-2 oz of vodka (1-2 shots) in a drink with a volume of 12-20 or more oz. therefore vodka drinks are actually less potent then beer. (say vodka and OJ, or Cranberry)

Different people react differently to certain types of alcohol. You may be less tolerant to beer and more tolerant to hard liquor. Some people are polar opposites.

Maybe it is how fast you are drinking it, or how your body metabolizes it. Maybe your body breaks down the sugars and such faster than it does other types of alcohol. Just guessing.

i never got drunk faster off beer than liquer

It's tasty and easy to drink, therefore you drink lots of it quickly (well i do anyway). I don't think it gets you (ie 'one') drunker than spirits or wine but it sounds like you're just chugging it back.

don't slam american beer... there are some really good small companies making internationally sophisticated beer.

now, you're question... most people drink beer much faster than they drink liquor and they drink it straight, liquor is mixed with juice or soda or any number of things.

i live in germany here for one they traditionaly serve it in a huge mug and its served either warm or cold but mostly warm im thinkin the temp has sumting to do with it and the carbonation in it

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