What is this drink called.?!
Answers: Guinness & Kahlua. Or is there no "official" name when these two beverages are combined?
It's a Rong's Finnigan's Wake.
I have no idea, but it really sounds delish!
OMG ITS A GOSHEMAKALEKABOOA. (gosh-ee-MAKA-laka-boooo-ah)
here is a list of all drinks guiness
Beer and Kahlua? Sounds really, really G R O S S !
Sounds like it would make you really sick!
Ginhulua. I hope you dont plan on selling that. It is illeagle to sell or give away 2 drinks combined together. Unless you made them.
beer and kahlua?
that sounds kinda gross. haha
i dont think there's a name for that though.
It's Hitler's riped urine. Don't drink it.