What are Spirits?!
Answers: alcohol that's distilled rather than fermented eg. brandy, gin, rum, vodka, and whiskey
Hard liquors like Whiskey, Vodka, Gin, etc...
your spirit is what makes you unique to everyone Else,when we pass unto the spirit world our body returns to dust ,our spirit travels onto the spirit world...i died several times,i know this to be the truth.
Spirits are distilled alcohols.
They were called spirituous beverages because alcohol vapours are near invisible, and the people when distilling methods were created were very superstitious. Some people literally belived that spirits entered the liquids to make them as potent as they were.
Liquor of alcohol as good stuff ,such as whiskey and wine .
Not all alcoholic drinks are referred to as spirits. This term is generally only applied to 'distilled spirits'. The reason they are referred to as spirits is because the act of distillation removes the 'spirit' from the 'body' (the bulk) of the fluid. In other words, distillation removes the small amount of alcohol from a fermented fluid, leaving behind the non-alcoholic fluid.
It is also sometimes believed that the term comes the fact that if you drink enough 'you will see spirits'.
spirits are a white kind of soda o and it's pronansed sprites just to let ya kno i had them at my 2nd grade valetine party i still remember but i have no idea how they taste but i think they taste good