Does someone who kills someone else while driving drunk, deserve to die?!


Does someone who kills someone else while driving drunk, deserve to die?

A person who is over the legal limit gets behind the wheel and mis - judges the lane and has an accident. The result is the OTHER person dies. Does that warrant a much stiffer concequence than a few months in jail? What about death?

I feel the person who is drunk and driving is not really caring for any other person for they don't know what they are doing or don't care and yes i do feel that causing a death is very costly i feel that their actions should cause what the limits of the law allows for if you drink and drive then you know you have to pay the price for all your actions

i think they should have to live with what they have done.

well if he didnt kill by purpose and he was DRUNK, so it wasnt on purpose, he just deserve to go to the prison for some years.

death penalty is too much i mean it's normal for people to commit mistakes. spending a couple of years in jail is better

They should be charged with manslaughter and duly suffer the consequences.

a few months in jail? I don't know where you live or what judges you have there but here the penalty for something like that would be years in prison I am guessing no less than 5 and probably more likely 10 as far as do they deserve death? I would imagine that there are some people that feel that way but why should they deserve to die for an accident? true it cost someone else their life but I am sure between the prison time and having to live with something like that would be much worse than death itself, I say no, besides it wouldn't change anything anyways, if you lost someone you loved because of a drunk driver killing them would killing the drunk driver really make you feel any better? it wouldn't bring your loved one back any

i think they should die

An Eye for an Eye? There will be so many different opinions about this. It is a question of ethics and morals all very personal, individual and unique to the individual regardless of laws people will forever debate a question such as this.

But here is my personal opinion. No thall shalt not kill! Regardless of the facts in any incidence God in my opinion is the only one with the right to kill. Jail time based on the details is the only option.

I think living with what they have done is a whole lot worse then being put to death.

its a hard topic to touch on, but given certain definitions of murder, one needs to be conscious of the actions

that's one of the reasons why people get off for mental disabilities

although its very wrong what the driver did, he/.she was not conscious of his/her actions, nor in control once he/she started driving

one could make the argument that it was him/her that controlled herself/himself to get behind the wheel in the first place, but again.. a decrease in judgment due to the affect alcohol has on the body

plus this man/woman has to live with it for the rest of his/her life, obviously this was not an intentional act, and no self respecting person can walk down the street without thinking to them self the consequences of what occurred

death penalty in this instance is not the answer

im sry for the loss

That's a tough one. But I'm against the death penalty so I'd have to say no. They should be imprisoned for life without the possibility of parole.

That's basically in the same vein as "should a murderer receive the death penalty?". I'm not saying it's the SAME thing, just similar. If a person intentionally commits murder (like "in the first degree"), everyone seems to agree that he should be punished. But people are divided on whether he should be put to death.

If someone accidentally kills someone else, whether they're drunk or not, how they're punished depends (to an extent, at least) on what they could have done to PREVENT the other person's death. If someone kills someone else (again, accidentally) while under the influence, that's something he could have avoided. In other words, he made a bad decision: to drive after he'd been drinking.

In that situation, the person should be punished, too. But circumstances dictate that he probably shouldn't be put to death (or be imprisoned for life).

If we, as a society, will always render evil for evil we will fail as a society. Punishment for evil-doing (in this case careless driving while intoxicated) should be harsh, but it should be just enough to make the person truly repent his/her evil-doing. Drinking is not a crime against the society, but being drunk is a moral flaw. Making a decision to operate a vehicle while drunk is easy, but may have grave consequences. This needs to be prevented, and the society can choose any method. But, death is not a method of correction. It is rather vengeance and should be condemned in itself.

Yes, it warrants a much stiffer punishment than a few months, heck, even a few years in jail!!! They deserve even more than that. They deserve to be in the same type of accident but be on the opposite end of it. They need to be the sober one that sees a drunk driver crossing the line, feel their own body flailing about in a car be flipped, spun, crashed whatever. They need to experience the pain they feel being trapped in a car while the jaws of life is trying to pry open the car. They need to wonder if they are fixing to die and why the drunk person who hit them is up and walking around going "I don't know what happened". They need to wonder, "Oh God, am I going to make it? Who is going to protect my family and keep them fed? Oh God, I am sober, why did you let a DRUNK person hit me, What did I do to deserve this?" They need to feel that horrible, helpless feeling of what it's like to be the sober one behind the wheel and a drunk driver hits them. Do they derserve to die? Ask someone else! Do they deserve to see what they ACCIDENTALLY done to someone else and their family because they were DRUNK DRIVING? You are dang right, they need to see it 10x's over. They deserve everything and then some coming to them.

They don't get "a few months in jail". It's much stiffer than that. It's involuntary manslaughter. So of course it warrants more time.

I could see cases where the death penalty would be proper for that. I don't think it should be applied to every single example, though. It would depend on the case.

They should not be put to death. Premeditated murder deserves the death penalty, but people do make mistakes. The legal limit to be "intoxicated" is very low, at least in Florida. What if it's dark and your driving home after two drinks, completely coherent, and someone wearing all black happens to be there after a sharp turn? Mistakes happen. It's bad enough to live with the fact that you killed someone, but I don't think those people should be punished so harshly...

No wonder we have so many hit and runs. People have ACCIDENTS and then are so scared to call the police because of these harsh punishments.

People see a dog killed in the road and don't even care. Two wrongs won't make it right.

I think that they should have longer jail sentenses and also A Huge like community service type of punishment permantly even after they are released from jail but I dont think Death Would be an option the person to me would be getting off easy that way...

Every Christmas our local radio station replays a conversation with a man who phoned in to talk about his life after he had killed a young boy while drinking drunk. The pain and absolute horror this man lived with was unbearable. Every moment of his life was clouded by his own grief and guilt at what he had done. It's a fifteen minutes conversation has me sobbing every year. The gentleman passed away reecently I hope he has found peace.

I think I would reserve the death penalty for people that intentionally kill other people straightway. NOT for situations where someone intentionally does something that is irresponsible and dangerous that results in deadly consequences. Even moreso in the drunk driving situation because the Intent in drunk driving is not even violent, it's merely stupid and careless.

Drunk driving is one of those ethical areas that sparks much debate. Bernard Williams and Thomas Nagel both talked a bit about this subject and how people will engage in identical behaviors but one person is deemed much more immoral than the other due to nothing more than sheer luck. Click on the link, it really is interesting stuff.

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