I've never been drunk...?!


I've never been drunk...?

Ok, I'm a guy, 24, in grad school, and I've never been drunk in my entire life. I mean, I know when I've have enough, and then I stop. I've been tipsy before, but never like passed out drunk. I'm not a nerd, but not exactly a frat boy either. I guess you can say I'm in between. But anyways, I have some good friends who are on the "frat boy" side who have been drunk. I hear people say "you have to be drunk at least once in your life," but I really don't see the need, and I see no reason to. What are your thoughts>?

There is no need to but you are missing out on a rather delightful experience. In a controlled environment sometimes it feels really good to just be able to let go. Getting drunk is just one way of doing that. I can count on fingers, and maybe a few toes, the number of thimes I have been rip roaring drunk. It was fun for the most part. Even the hangover was worth it. To be in a state where nothing matters, the problems of the world, your world, cannot get to you. The lack of inhibitions, Its nice every once and a while.

I agree...I don't even really drink at all because I don't see the need!!

It sounds like you are lucky enough to be sensible, i wish i was sometimes. If i was you i'd stay as you are and find some similar people to make friends and family with.

u don't have to be drunk if u don't wont to be

you are so on the right track believe me you are not missing anything and as you get older it takes longer to recop.keep on that straight path and believe me you will be far better than your frat bros who will probably end up managing at mcdonalds anyway.you are whats called a social drinker and ther is nothing wrong with that. you want to be called a drunk.the morning after theres usually a regret and sorries that need to be made the next

I only get drunk because the women look prettier, lol

you do what best for you ,heck if they were going to jump off the bridge would you??? heck no !!!so don't worry over what they say,remember the song its my purgative ?:)

Not everyone has to get drunk. It's a personal choice. If you don't feel like doing it then don't.

i personally like to drink..but others may not..its all up to who the person is..it seems like you are not dependent on alchohol and thats a good thing...i use alchohol socially and helps me relax...it seems like you have been fine socially without alchohol so i would personally stay away from it

If you want to, go ahead. If not, don't. Don't let them tell you what "you have to be". Just decide for yourself. I've been falling down puke drunk many times and each time I wish I could go back in time and not have that last drink that put me over the edge.

You aren't really missing much. It is much more fun to be "just a little tipsy", then to be "falling down drunk". Bad things tend to happen when you've had so much to drink that you have difficulty controlling your body or your behavior. Besides, NOBODY wants to take care of someone at a bar or a party who is puking all over the place and can't even walk on their own.

i have been drunk, probably more than is good for me. i admire your will power and commen sense. i really don't think you need to be drunk to have a complete life... i don't think my life is totally complete and i have been drunk... if you're happy the way you've been drinking then that is what works for you. a nice buzz is better than falling over anyway.

you don't really have to be. I haven't seen a rule book or anything. I remember the first time I got really drunk. I loved it, and I turned into an alcoholic. Now it is getting really old

You really are not missing out on anything fun. Being drunk is not as fun as people lead you to believe. Rooms spin, heads pound, legs have minds of their own and plus there is the chance that you will also puke your brains out. Hangovers suck because they make you feel just as bad as when you were drunk and tend to linger for a while. I'm almost 32 and I've been drunk a few times but it was never worth it. Also when you're drunk you could do something really embarrassing that you may not remember clearly the next day but that someone else does. Stick to being tipsy.

I think its great you know when you have had enough. Getting drunk is overrated. What is exciting about passing out and not remembering the night.

You are a graet example for the youth of today....
with alcahol poisoning on the rise( beer bongs
and drinking contests).
you just sound like a social drinker whome
knows youre limits.

I am 30 years old and have never been falling down drunk. I feel the same way you do. When I get a buzz then it is time for me to quit. I have seen too many people hugging the toilet all night and not being able to get in the bed because the "room is spinning". Then they wake up the next morning with a massive hangover. I am sorry but that just does not sound like fun to me. I don't worry about what people say about me not getting drunk. I do what I want to do.

the people who said that are idiots


you dont have to be drunk to have fun... but
sometimes after a weeks work or schooling, you jus wanna relax and let loose... i drink when i play pool cause i get more in the mood... i got drunk a couple times and lemme tell ya... those couple times have been my fun memories... you do things you normally wouldnt do and say.. like out of the blue.. i wanna go skating which i never skated before, we did! and i fell and almost bust my ***.. shoulda been embarrassed but wasnt, it was one of those drunkin fun times lol

tell that to a cop some night after 4 drinks and your not drunk

"frat boys" are not 24/7 drunks so don't label fraternity men as that.

And good for you that you know your limit and don't push it. But if you felt tipsy you have been drunk. drunk doesn't equal blackout drunk

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