Has anyone tried www.cheaper-uk-cigarettes.co.uk want to try it?!
Has anyone tried www.cheaper-uk-cigarettes... want to try it?
Don't think I would trust that company, they have only ever had 200 people visit their site, really bad marketing on their behalf. Good concept though if it takes off!
never heard,will look
Will look.
No because smoking seriously harms your health! Don't even start and if you do smoke, stop. It isn't worth it to look cool or fit in it is a choice of dying or not. Make up ur mind. I don't wanna hear about more people dying of cancer or other really bad things! I don't think i should pay in taxes for peoples stupid decision to kill themselves. It is a form of suicide in my opinion. But everyone is entitled to an opinion!!
just had a look not too bad must buy 800 though, only had quick look