How long does Baileys keep after opening if storing in a cupboard?!


How long does Baileys keep after opening if storing in a cupboard?

Baileys is a tasty beverage but if you aren't storing it in the refrigerator after opening it its not going to last long at all. Baileys after being opened has about a 6 month shelf life, thats if your refrigerate stays cool enough to keep it from aging and turning to quickly.

You have to remember unlike most alcholic beverages baileys contains dairy which can spoil easily if not cooled while storing.

The bottle actually contains a date somewhere on the back of the label near the bottom of the bottle. This date is however for how long it will last unopened and stored between 41-77 degrees F. Your best bet is to not drink it if its been stored opened in the cupboard. At least I would not. Try an experiment if you get bored of pouring a milk based dairy creamer into any beverage cap it and put it in a cupboard. The reults won't be pretty after a few weeks of that.

10 minutes

Not very long in my house.

Why have you got it in a cupboard - put it in the fridge

You gotta store that stuff in the's half and half. Says so right on the bottle. and if it's in the fridge, 6 months tops. DUMP IT!

depends on how much you drink it! mine lasts 2 days, but im sure it would keep at least 6 yrs as my parents seem to have it out every xmas.............

if it wasn't refidgerated after it's been opened, then throw it out!!!!!

why put it away? drink it!

I think it states about 3 months in a fridge (best serves chilled etc.) but with me, about a week!

Double check the bottle for clarification, but I have known it to last 3-4 months at my mums house and has done her no harm.

Check the label then add a few eeks! The reason they state is so you have to throw itaway and buy more!

If your cupboard was in my house, and did not have the benefit of either lock and/or chain, it would be lucky to make it to daylight the next day!
But seriously folks.... first of all, I'd recommend storing in a fridge, and it it was in a cupboard, I'd say no more than a month.
If this is a retrospective question and it's been in the cupboard AGES.... chuck it out!

I've had mine in a cupboard for three months. The bottle says to store it between 41 to 77 degrees, so that works for me. The bottle also says to use it by the date listed on it.

First of all, Michelle must live in the tundra :-) Secondly, it is a milk by-product so I would suggest HIGHLY that you keep Bailey's in the fridge after opening it. Good luck and Good drinking! (Mud slides on the rocks RULE)

Why keep it in a cupboard,drink it,pour it over ice cream and enjoy.If you can't manage all the ice cream bung it in the freezer;it lasts as long as the ice cream!

It says on the label. I think it is about 6 months

Store in fridge if you have to,better still,enjoy over ice NOW!!!

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