Alcohol misuse?!
Answers: my friend reckons she's been drinking 2 bottles of strong white wine every night for 10 yrs, she's sober through the day? how could this be? would she not have died by now?
She does have a problem no matter how healthy and normal she seems. People who suffer from alcohol abuse and have been drinking over a long period of time get used to the effects of the alcohol. That is why some choose to increase the volume or percentage to get the effect they need and crave. Your friend seems to be stuck in a rut so is continuing to drink even if it is giving her an effect or not. You have only her say on the matter if she is drinking only 2 bottles a night, this amount alone is enough to recognise she has a problem. The alcohol in her system will still show she is over the limit, the fact she handles it well and looks sober is an oversight.
You can't tell a person they have a problem they have to admit it themselves and this may or may not happen.
If you are worried there are places people can go if they are worried about someone and they can tell you the best way to approach your friend.
Good Luck
No - I know some one who drinks more than that every night and she has done for about 20 years !!! She smokes aswell! Doesnt seem to affect her the next day either!
well shes prabably not very healthy but plenty of people survive a bottle of spirits a day
yes its true, some peoples livers are genetically a lot more tolerant to vast quantities of booze than others, i think as the years go on the body adjusts itself so much that it takes more and more alchohol to get that drunk feeling, i would imagine that even if she is appearing sober througfhout the day she may still fail a breath test as the booze stays around for 24 hours in the system, and she may feel fine, but i bet her responses and actions are a little delayed than if she was really sober. I guess if shes still quite young, continuing like this could impair her vital organs in older age and reduce her length of life, the body is still capable of repairing itself before age of 30-35 after that you need to take care of your health
well she's obviously sober through the day because the effects of the alcohol would have worn off during the nite... But yes shocking as it may seem people can survive drinking toxic amounts of alcohol. Winston Churchill was a prime example: every morning with his breakfast he'd have a bottle of champagne and he'd be guaranteed drunk by evening and only have three hours sleep a night yet he is perhaps one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. RESPECT! lol
if she is eating while she is drinking she should be ok.
Misuse ? Absolutely. your friend needs some AA
If she eats properly and gets enough sleep you can go for years without it affecting you.
My mum was an alcoholic and would drink 2 or 3 litres a night. She lived until she was 80 - although she died falling down the stairs in a stupor. The autopsy did reveal brain and liver damage from alcohol.
It is possible. My mother drinks far more than this and is still reasonably fit and well - though never sober. Some people seem to be able to drink more and not be too badly affected, where as another person may drink or smoke far less and die from it. I know it is not fair, but I think it is down to genes and metabolism. Do not try and match her though. You might not be so lucky!