How much am i allowed to drink?!


How much am i allowed to drink?

i have had nearly 2 25cl 4% alc will that be over the limit to drive i carnt feel it

When in doubt - don't!!

Are you mad??? You can't drink and drive.

depends on when the bartender cuts you off! lol or 86's you!

Read your post and NEVER drink and drive.

A women can drink about 1 pint of regular strength beer (about 3 and 1/2 % alcohol) and be just under the limit.
1 and a half pints for a man. This the UK limit but everyone is different.
Leave it about an hour to be sure, and you'll be legal to drive without doubt.

any drinking and driving is toooooooo much, get a cab

Never drink and drive!!! Ever, no matter what, if you have, sleep in your car, call a taxi, walk, hitch a ride. Never drive Drunk, or even if you have only had one or two, because you never know how alcohol can affect you from time to time. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to how you will be affected. You would never forgive yourself if something happened. Please, never drink and drive.

Really we should never drink and drive, regardless of how we feel. One, if you get pulled over and tested it be up to the Breath Meter and not what we think.
What I do is let my dog drive. I handle the gas and brakes, but, he do the steering. :-D
OK, maybe not, but, it was worth a try.

keep drinking, drink till you fall over then go speeding down the highway and play chicken with other cars. Are you retarded?

According to the US FDA: for gentlemen, up to 2 glasses of wine per day, and for ladies, up to 1 glass of wine per day is healthy. It is always better NOT to drink and drive for your own sake and for those of other innocent road users. Please take a taxi.

Simple answer: If you drink, don't drive.

Some people are more tolerant to alcohol than others. If you are more tolerant to alcohol, it doesn't mean that your blood alcohol level is not high. You may not feel it but your BAC could be above the driving limit.

If you want to know your blood alcohol level, please check the BAC Calculator to get an estimate.

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Doctors say it is dangerous to drink, I say it is stupid to drink and drive. Get the number of a reputable cab company from the bar staff. Be safe DON'T be daft.

The department of health suggests that a man should try and set an upper limit of 4 units per day.The limit for women is 3 units.This is not to reccomend that you drink every day have two to three days off so an average of 21 units for men a week and 14 for women the driving limit is 80mg/100ml.

25cl might seem a small amount but @ 4% I think you would be over the limit to drive regardless of weather you feel drunk or not

come to me i will show you

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