Why wont a Liquor Store Accept an Expired I.D Card???!
Answers: if the i.d says you are over 21, do you go back to being underage if it expires W.T.F
Wow thats true and really stupid, sorry that happened to you lol. Its not like you grow backwards and you'd be younger than 21 if it's expired, maybe your cashier there was an idiot lol.
no but legally the can't accept it... also when you get a new one you could give your old one to someone else... for example on my 21st i got a new license... and my old one wasnt expired yet so my friend used it for a couple days...
Because religious zealots work hard to keep our liquor laws strict.
Yeah seriously, they're tryin to be a pain in you a s s obviously, that's SOOOOOOO asinine!
What if you look like your friend and that is their expired license? That business can be liable for selling you alcohol if something happens to you.
Looks like you need to buy another fake ID.
Maybe because you could look like the person, but they could have given you their old card, or you could have gotten it out of their trash?? Besides if they allow a cop to buy liquor and don't obey the law, they could lose their liquor license....and you could be a decoy cop for all they know.
If the card is expired it is not a form of LEGAL identification. Stupid but they don't have to accept it. Try another store and maybe they won't check the expiration date.
Because the law requires a valid ID. An expired ID card is not valid. It isn't personal, they are trying to protect their license.
because when an license or ID expires it is no longer a valid ID.
A police officer could write you a ticket. The ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) would fine a business for accepting an expired ID. We clerks hate the abuse we take when we have to refuse but it is part of our job. I am sorry but if we do not follow the laws we can be fined or go to jail.
yes, its basically a legal thing. Renew your id card and it will be ok.
The cashier (although no candidate for Mastermind) was applying the 'letter of the law.' You can easily remedy the situation.
They have to check, because lots of times, people give expired licences to underage siblings/friends. This is very common. That is why it's a huge deal to go get a new license without turning your old one in. Only 1 per person! There cannot be a lot of expired licenses floating around also b/c people who aren't citizens can use them.
That is stupid. But if came back on them for some reason they they sold it to you and your ID was expired they could loose their licenses.
because technically its NOT valid because its expired
My buddy made this mistake. It expired on his 22nd birthday, for whatever reason. He didn't renew it before it expired, so he couldn't buy anything. In fact, he couldn't even drive himself to get a new license (I had to do that).
$7/ hr cashier