Is it okay to have a small glass of red wine if you're pregnant?!

Question: I've heard many schools of thought on the subject. I don't even know if I'm pregnant (too soon), but my hubby and I have been trying, so just in case, I want to be sure I would not in any way harm the fetus.

Answers: I've heard many schools of thought on the subject. I don't even know if I'm pregnant (too soon), but my hubby and I have been trying, so just in case, I want to be sure I would not in any way harm the fetus.

I am a bio/premed major graduating this year from undergrad and I have come across this question in many studies. You are fine having one glass of wine or a small beer (nothing hard though) every once in a while, it will not harm the fetus. If you're truly afraid it'll do harm, then don't chance it and stay away, if it'll keep you up at night, etc..then why put the pressure on yourself? But knowing the facts--I know it won't cause harm, so if that helps, feel free to have a small glass once in a while. Good luck with your possible pregnancy and I wish the best for you :) My friend just gave birth this morning after 6 hrs of labor and the baby is absolutely gorgeous and healthy--so I wish the same for you!

I've heard it's okay in later trimesters for an occasional glass of wine but not in the beginning.

Generally it is a bad idea to consume any amount of alcohol when you are pregnant. However, it is considered ok that a woman who drinks before she finds out she is pregnant ( a normal woman, not the kind that doesn't realize she's prego until she sits on the toilet and kid pops out) isn't doing the fetus any harm. Usually this is a time frame of a month or so. You can google it and find numerous studies telling you it is ok if you drank before you knew you were pregnant. However, since you are obviously trying to get pregnant and think there might be a chance - why even risk it?

If alcohol can harm your unborn child ... then why would you even think about taking the chance? Play it safe . It's not forever but the effects of" fetal alcohol syndrome " are forever.

A small glass will do you no harm once in a while-but I mean small!!It is beneficial in fact.So cheers and lets hope you are soon to be a mum.

The facts are that FAE and FAS are caused by women who drink habitually, nightly, and get drunk---a consistency of drinking and who drink a large quantity of alcohal..

You're asking for a glass of red, my doctor has said that one glass of wine or small beer once a month was not a big deal. If it were the case of ''no amount is safe'' then I'd be FAS, so would my spouse as would my children.

Do what your conscience allows, don't let others tell you. There is no safe amount, that's been researched that is true but think about it the first three months are crucial to your childs developement, most women who drink don't find out they're pregnant until their 8 wks along sometimes longer like mine. I drank like a fish BEFORE finding out I was pregnant 12 wks along,(didn't drink once I knew b/c I just couldn't consciously) but both my kids are fine, healthy and certainly no effects of FAS/FAE. My mom and my spouses mom drank 3-4 rum & cokes a week, the only effects I have as does my spouse are actually from their smoking, I have asthma and allergies as do all our siblings.

my stepmom is an ob/gyn midwife, ped... and she says you can... but it is not reccomeded... if you drink it at the wrong time in the baby's development... you may give birth to a creton. I would wait until later on maybe the late second trimester... dont drink often... just ONE!!!! and if you cant have just one... then have just none.

There is nothing wrong with having a glass of wine or a cold beer every once in a while. I only started drinking it late in though, about 6 months and up. Five years later my child is still normal :P Go ahead just remember the first one has to be your last one.

the Surgeon General warning is about,, INDULGING,,
ask your OB when you visit
You body may absorb the alcohol but remember it must pass your blood system to your Uterus and then the placenta ... sorry there is NO proof until your system is DRUNK that any effect reaches your fetus..So enjoy your life...?

There is no research that tells exactly how much is too much, because it's just unethical. A little will not hurt. I think it's best to abstain, especially during 1st trimester and when you're trying. The first few weeks are the most important; the time before most women even know they're pregnant. It's better to wait and just have a glass or two in the 2nd or 3rd trimester.

I've heard its okay for most people, but just to be safe, if it's not necessary then don't do it.

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