What kind of alcohol should I buy tonight?!
Answers: I'm watching the hockey game with some buddies (St. Cloud state, first game of the frozen 5 baby!). I got twenty bucks to spend on alcohol and I wanna mix it up a bit. I usually stick to beer, capitan, and cheep vodka. Any suggestions?
if your wanting people to get more of a buzz get ice beers such as molson ice,bud ice, or naturalice better alcoholby volume so better buzz with less beer
Go with the beer and vodka. Buy some different mixers for the vodka (oj, cranberry juice, etc.)
i suggest tecate!
One word... NONE!!!
WHISKEY... 4 dudes
Well if your trying to stay at $20, or lower I suggest just getting beer.
vodka shots (big bottle is about $13) and ice house beer or budweiser