Question about alcohol consumption amount?!


Question about alcohol consumption amount?

I know this sounds funny but I had a 280lb guy bet me 100 dollars that he could drink 30 shots of jager and a case of beer in 8 hrs. Should I take the bet? Is this humanly possible?

what are the conditions? does he have to keep it down or can he puke? does he have to live to tell about it? LOL
it can be done but it is not advised! and if he can do it he has one hell of a tollerence! odds are he will get sick, but to answer your question, dont take the bet, it could take a turn for the worst and things could end up bad. try another bet like if he could stay sober fore 2 weeks, he is proly a bigtime alcoholic!

I wouldn't take this. You might die from alcohol poison.
Why bet on something that could put you LIFE at risk?!
Pretty stupid.
Not to mention the damage you'll do to your liver.

If you like accepting money for someone who succumbs to alcohol poisoning, then yeah, take the bet. While it is probably possible to consume that much liquor, it will most likely result in some serious medical complications.

That sounds like a poisonous amount of alcohol but I would still consider it possible. I wouldnt take the bet unless you add a clause saying that he cant vomit it up at all or for at least another 8 hours after he drinks it.

Another thing to consider is, how are you going to feel if you take this bet and his liver fails and he dies.

Sounds kind of light weight i can drink more than that i weigh 175 wouldnt take the bet a none drinker may be diffrent

dont do it. i took that bet once and lost big time. my husband (before we were married) got me to take that bet so i would date him. well we are now married so you can see i lost. my 130 lb sister can drink that and not think twice about it.

The ability to consume alcohol is relative. Don't take the bet.
I was in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1982, and we were invited by a Regiment of British Engineers that we worked with to their mess. As they were NATO troops in a foreign country, they had a tax and duty free mess. This meant, at the time, 25 cents for a beer, and 35 cents for a shot of whiskey.

I had a squad mate, his tag was 'Hitman", and I watched him, over the course of three hours, drink 6 shots of scotch, then down 36 beers. I bought them, and sat beside him for the whole night, so I know he personally drank them. He walked out of that mess under his own power, and suffered no ill effects that I know of, not so much as a hangover. He may have destroyed his liver over the long term, but he would still win the bet you're talking about. This was also Canadian beer, 5% alcohol by volume.

definately not worth it, the ambulance ride to pump your stomach (if you get there in time) is definately going to be more than $100

Absolutely! A case of Coors light REhydratesyou because it is, in fact WATER(and piss). So drinking the "beer" will only negate the Jager. We will be more sober after doing so than he was when he started. Coors light blows.

it is up to you ,how much you can consuming at a time .No matter till you are standing and you recognize that who is who
it is also dangerous if you consume more ,if you don't have of drinking alcohol

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