Do alcoholics have hangovers?!
Answers: The seriously drinking 24/7 type...
honestly they really don't, partly because they stay drunk...they might wake up still drunk and skip drinking for a few hours, but once they fully wake up and sober up their body doesn't only crave alcohol, they need it, not just to function but to be alive. They may begin to experience withdrawal systems such as delirium tremors and things of the like. so for your answer, no they don't experience hangovers for the most part, but they do experience withdrawals which can kill them. its scary. personally, i'd rather take the hangover
Shouldn't a M.D. know the answer to that question?
the die-hards usually have developed a tolerance to the alcohol and suffer little if any symptoms afterwards ( that they notice). Everyone around them notices the lingering booze smell afterwards. It is pretty sad. i have a whole family of booze hounds.
I drink a case of beer a day, And no I don't get hangovers....
yea.....A hangover (veisalgia) describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of drugs, particularly alcoholic beverages.
Generally not. You serious alcoholics typically build up a tolerance. The average person gets a hangover because they have esentually poisioned themselves. A 24/7 alcoholics body grows a dependancy on alcohol and actually suffers when it doesn't get alcohol. That is why an alcoholic often times gets the "d.t.'s" (slang for detoxify's) when they quit. The "d.t.'s can be quite serious and alcoholics can actually die during this stage.
I dont recall
hello mom is that you mom i havnt seen u in the longest mom?????????????????????????????????????...
Well if they're drinking all the time then they obviously never have a chance to get a hangover because they're permenantly drunk even when they wake up
Sure. Before I sobered up years ago, I had horrible hangovers.
Just wanted to point out that "the D.T.'s" actually means Delirium Tremors and is a legitimate medical term, not slang.
no due to the fact they dont take long enough to ever sober up they never get hungover if they stay drunk
I know lightweights don't get hangovers the same as regular drinkers. I've heard that 24/7 alcoholics can die from a stroke if they stop drinking because their brain isn't used to so much activity.
they never come off on being drunk,
when you get a hangover it is after you have drank,
and if you never stop drinking then your body is still dealing with the alcohol you are putting into your body.
hope i helped,