Pre-drinking suggestions?!
Answers: tips on avoiding hangover. I dont need to be told not to drive. I know. I have tried the Motrin and water before you go out and before you go to bed. Doesnt work. I make sure I eat before and do the above mentioned still hungover.
I come from a long line of fisherman and they always eat a hearty soup or fish chowder before a good drunk.
Remember that a body needs salt to retain water ,but the body wants to defend your brain from the alcohol so you feel bad the next day as your brain is dehydrated.
Soda can be bad with large amounts of booze as your body has to deal with both the pop and the booze.
A fruit juice is always better than soda for a mix,but water is best.
Acetamenophin[tylenol] can cause liver damage when mixed with alot of booze in your system so a.s.a is a better choise.
Toast can help absorb booze.
Water before bed is a must and have alot of water handy next to the bed if you wake up and feel dry.
My best working morning cure is a glass of V-8 with a dash of salt added.Chug it and try to have a good bowel movement before you leave the house.[trust me]
I can loose 10-15 of my 230 pounds just from dehydration so keep pumping water into you until your urine gets less yellow.
Have something to eat prior to going out. Pace yourself. Switch to water toward the end of the night. Take water and aspirin before going to sleep.
Go buy activated charcoal, it's the same thing as chaser, but it's the pure form of the active ingredient. Take it before drinking. Drink a glass of water for each two drinks you have, and before you go to bed take advil and it will prevent the headache.
liquor before beer your in the clear.. beer before liquor youve never been sicker... rember that when you drinking. try not to have a variety of drinks in one night,, and they have these pills at any convinence store called chasers.. they work try em out
Drinking only one kind of alcohol during the night.
Picking clear a clear drink like gin or vodka.
And if you are drinking vodka drinks try to have a bloody mary or cesar, the tomato is suposed to help.
Having water between drinks.
Drinking less works suprisinly well too.
This is what doctors say:
Gotta love Web MD.
plus, be careful of the sugary fruit juice that gets added to some mixed drinks. The sugar will cause your hangover to be worse. I always eat, drink a redbull, then drink, then have a redbull, then some water. Haven't been hungover in a while.
Take B12 also drink plenty of water alcohol dehydrates the body
don't drink a bunch of sweet mixed drinks.
it's actually the sugar that triggers a bad hangover and since the alcohol turns to sugar too you just get too sick.
Don't drink. Drinking is what causes a hangover. As an old friend of mine and long-time drinker used to say, "You gotta pay to play." If you don't want to be hung over, don't drink, or only have one or two drinks. If you want to drink a lot, be prepared to face the consequences the next day.
Dont eat on an empty stomach and ALWAYS IN MODERATION. You dont want to be the butt of all jokes the rest of the night...
Watchout for the ibprofin after drinking,it will damage your liver, also drink lots of water before bed time.other then that the only thing is time.
take a vitamin pill and the water think is to drink water while drinking will help out a lot. if you can have at least half a glass to glass of water after every drink you will be in good shape. Key is to drink some water while drinking not just before.