Why does it say drink responsibly on drinks like white cider ?!


Why does it say drink responsibly on drinks like white cider ?

If you was responsbile at all then you wouldn't be drinking the stuff, I mean who drinks it because they like the taste?

Fair point but perhaps the silly teenagers who drink it in the park cos they can't afford much else will take notice........then again, perhaps not! Isn't it all part of a govt campaign to bring about responsible drinking??????????? Because that really is going to happen isn't it? I mean do you see the small print and think 'Ah I won't get drunk this weekend and I'll be responsible'? Thought not - and neither do I !! But I have to add that I would NEVER drink white cider!!!

white lighning
ice dragon
diamond white
3 hammers.........

yuk, i thought only teenagers (about 13years) and alcoholics drink cider, thats why theres a warning on it

I totally agree, I think they mean don't get so bladdered that you end up needing your stomach pumped perhaps....hehe


On bottles of J P CHENET wine they now have pic of pregnant lady with cross trough like no smoking sign.
( madness ) any woman with sense will not drink while preggers so why the silly sign??? your soo right.

It's not just cider this is on it's on practically every bottle or can you buy . It's a basic health warning for the people who don't have common sense :)

you should always drink responsible, i drink, i drink and i'm responsible, i drink for responsibilty, responsibilty drinks for me and it works both ways.

frosty jack, he come from cold town, he taste like dog piss, he make sik. why you want drink frosty? I say no I tells ya

Diamond shite, it doesnt taste right. You drink, you sik. I say no more on this.

thank thee

I have some 'Four Monks' white distilled vinegar here beside me and on it says the following:

Suggested Uses:
Dressing recipes
Clean floors and Glass
Clean grills and counters

No where does it refer to drinking so I'm no sure what you are talking about.

so no one chokes ))))))

White cider and other alcopops are aimed specifically ( and rather irresponsibly on the part of the brewing industry in my mind) at young people.
They are relatively high in alcohol and loaded with sugar to appeal the young undiscerning palate.As a result it goes down just like lemonade and you cannot easily tell how quickly you are getting blathered.
Asking people to drink responsibly is a futile attempt to appear to be acting responsibly on the part of the Industry.Having run a pub I have seen time and time again young people guzzling this stuff down in a get pissed quick or you won't enjoy yourself culture.
There was a time when part of your right of passage was learning to enjoy a good pint
Every Saturday was the same.The girls got drunk, kiked off, dumped or provoked their boyfriends and then all hell broke loose.
Stick loads of duty on alcopops, that's what I say!

Will someone take BuzzingK - he who gives weird answer - off the tablets!!!
Drink resposibly means use a glass and do not drink from the bottle because that's irresponsible!

White cider should be class A.

I've drank it, I'd be lying if I said I haven't, but it tastes like pyss and one minute I'm alright and the next minute it's the next morning and I've behaved like a complete @rse hole, and it takes another month to make my apologies to everyone I've offended or hurt. So I guess that's why it says "drink responsibly" on the bottle. These days I just prefer not to drink it at all. Anything above 5% is a complete no no for me.

Because it gives off the false impression that companies actually care how consumers react to their product. Clever marketing. Trust me, as long as you're buying it, they could care less what you do.

its law now for any company advertising alcohol to show due diligence in preventing people from damaging there health and inform them of the danger of excessive drinking .
stops them getting sued by idiots that claim they don't know it can kill you or ruin you life .

its cheap all the alcoholics buy it they dont care what it tastes like they just want to feel drunk so whats the point in putting it on people who drink that stuff wouldnt read the label anyway

that stuff is nasty

Alcohol is seen as a controled drug, you have to have a license to sell. The idea is that we should try to encourage resposible drinking. Basically if alcohol is consumed responsibly and not massive quantities in as short a space of time as possible, then it can be fun, its when to much is drunk in an irresposible way that it becomes a problem. The message on the bottle is supposed to reinforce and encourage as well as create awareness for sensible drinking.

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