Why is my beer foaming in my mouth?!
Answers: My beer is clear, but every single time I take sip, it fizzes into foam when it enters my mouth. Why?
Its most likely because of the higher yeast content in the beer. When it reaches your saliva, the yeast reacts with the acids in your mouth, causing it to foam up. lesser quality beers seldom have this problem. Its usualy found in dark, fast made beers.
It can also be from the co2 lvls of the beer.
You're not gargling with it, are you? lol
It could be that it's just too warm...
It's rabies... jk :)
It does the same thing as a soft drink. When you get it in your mouth, it mixes with your saliva and the CO2 comes out.
maybe its pouring out to fast like splashing into ur mouth to many air bubbles