How do you take a shot of alchohol?!


How do you take a shot of alchohol?

I've never taken a "shot" before and i was wondering how people do it.
I want to try it but im feeling a little intimidated.
If you were to shove it down your throat wouldn't you gag?
Also, whats a the common type of shot (what drink or w/e?)

Oh and lastly, im 5 feet tall and weigh around 93 many shots would it take for me to get buzzed? drunk?

please be as DESCRIPTIVE as possible!

No offense my man but you might be a little of a lightweight to be messing around with shots. But to answer your question, for someone of your height and weight it wont take many to get you drunk. Maybe 3 to 6 shots. If you want something that doesnt burn when you take it, try PATRON tequila. There is ZERO burn. But beware, all tequila is strong (PATRON INCLUDED) and it wont take much to put you on your ***. Good luck. My advice, go to the liquor store and buy the small 5th bottles of different stuff and begin to experiement on your own.

Years and years of being an alcoholic

you pour the spirit into a shot glass and drink it all at once, I weigh 95 pounds and am 5 feet tall and I can only do one shot (that is when I drink other drinks aswell)

You put it in a glass and drink it, and follow it with water or beer.

are you SERIOUS? You sound like you're in 8th grade

tequila,about 4 or 5 shots chase it with a lime or lemon

You basically just pour any one kind or different mixed alcohol into a shot glass and drink it all at once.

Usually you just drink it down. The first few times you will sputter, shiver, and shudder. But that passes...
Unless you want to get totally wasted, I wouldn't recommend drinking shots of hard alcohol. You can easily ingest more than your body can handle before it gets absorbed into the blood stream. A person your size would probably be out of it after 4-6 shots if you drank them within an hour.
Instead you might try Komikazee's, shots of wine, or maybe even jello shots, which is Jello made with vodka. They don't contain as much alcohol, but are just as much, if not more, fun to drink.

iwas an alcoholic for 17 years and now im not drinking for 19 years so here goes get a small beer or a draft beer say a boiler-maker then you pay sip the beer then shoot the booze back before it burns bad hi the beer see the beer rushes the burn out or do a jack in the black with a shot back thats sour mash bourbon with a coke and then a shot of the same back .. but if you drink to get drunk thats the one test of an alkie to stay lucid and be cool and have fun all night is the goal not to be carried into a cab then robbed at the door or busted up by a door man and the cops after a few shots at your size one shot every 15 minutes will make you drunk in an hour 4 mixed drinks the dsame a six-pack of good beer your drunk in an hour so drink slow learn to dance find some women thats life and living dude not waking up in the drunk tak or the morgue with a skinful and a fast car and a tree so slow down easy does it one thing at a time sip savor and dont become a driunk like me ,,an olde dude

It's hard to believe that a 21 year old would have to ask, but taking in to consideration your body weight and inexperience - 1 shot wait 30 minutes self evaluate and no more then 4 shots in the next hour and a half at your willingness. If not at home be sure to have reliable transportation, obviously, and enjoy throwing up.

it all depends on what kinda shot you want to take. you might want to start with somethin fruity lemon drops are good lick the sugar take the shot then bite down on the lemon. and take your time with drinkin you drink too much you will get sick

are you 10. 93 must be 10. a shot I'm not even gonna tell you till you get older. ask your dad.

Any spirit or liqueur can be a shot, vodka, sambuca, tequila are probably the most common. A shot only really has enough liquid in it for one gulp so you just tip it back and gulp it down. Wouldnt bother having more than one or 2 shots even youve never done shots before, especially if you're drinking other alcoholic drinks aswell. Its never a great idea to get pissed just off shots, it doesnt make you happy drunk, it makes you sick and smashed drunk, specially if you do shots too quickly.

ok you are 93 pounds so i say it would take about 3-4 shots to get you buzzed and 5-6 to get you drunk and on your a**...and you just drink it all at your throat up..thats how my sis taught me when i started to do shots

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