Why i turn so red after drinking half full glass of beer.?!


Why i turn so red after drinking half full glass of beer.?

eveytime there's a party where beer is abundance, i always 2nd thought if im going to drink beer, and if i do even half full glass, i turn red so red, and that make me not comfortable to socialize. is there any remedy? and is it true most women get attracted when your like that?

if you're asian then it's the asian flush. to prevent from getting red take 2 tagamet hb pills before drinking. You have 4 hours of drinking before you get red again.

This could be a sign of a possible allergy to something in the beer. I've seen it happen with other people when I worked as a bartender. I'd just stay away from it totally and drink something else.

some people are allergic to alcohol of any sort. and ny girl that gets attracted to a red faced guy isn't one you want to take home to mommy and daddy.(at least some of them)

It could be a mild allergy or an enzyme deficiency. There are some people who don't make enough of an enzyme needed to break down alcohol quickly, and the products of metabolism build up too fast in the body.

The same thing happens to me when I drink coolers and certain wines with too much sulphur. It turns out I am allergic to those drinks. Try drinking rum and coke and see if you have the same results, as you may be allergic to beer.

sounds like you are allergic. . I would get it checked out before you drink too much and hurt yourself

maybe you are allergic to the hops..

if you dont like it you should not do it.

Possibly the same reason i go red after a couple of glasses of wine. Alcohol makes you dehydrated, and if you havent been drinking plenty of water before you start drinking, the alcohol can absorb all the water and fluid in your face. Most people will get this way after long periods of drinking, but in your case it is straight away. I dont know about other women, but a red face doesnt really attract me. No offence but it reminds me of old drunk guys that want to hit on all the younger girls! Try drinking water between drinks and during the day and see if this improves.

You may be at the beginning stages of rosacea. The alcohol dilates your capillaries causing the facial redness. Does this happen with other alcohols or certain foods, especially spicy things? Have your doctor or dermatologist check it out. Start early in trying to control it - if you wait too long you can end up with permanent redness & possible bumps. It usually happens gradually. Try taking digestive enzymes with HCL if you don't have any ulcer problems.

probably u drank too fast...i don't think there's a remedy to it as it depends on individual genes and i don't really get attracted to guys who have turned so red for i might think he had many drinks but i guess it's normal

drink non alcoholic beer simple

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