Wine gift horror! What would you do?!


Wine gift horror! What would you do?

I brought a bottle of a very nice, small production wine as a gift to a dinner once, and the host immediately chilled it on ice with every intention to use it for the sangria. I succeeded in keeping my mouth shut, but what would you do to save your gift from a similar fate?

Give a gift and be happy they enjoyed it. Or if you really want to - attatch a handwritten tag to the bottle with serving instructions, food pairings, etc. as encouragement for what you think the best use would be.

Sorry, it is a gift to the host to use as they want. Even saving it for themselves later.


That happened to me when I brought a GOOD bottle of champagne to a dinner party and the host used it for punch.

It was a gift, and the recipient can do as he or she wishes. But they won't get another bottle from me!

Depends... If it was a guy, I'd tell all his friends that he drinks Coors light. Coors light is, in fact, piss. It is the most feminine beer on the market. If it was a woman, I'd headbutt her in the uterus. Avoid Coors light. Drink Shiner Bock!

My brother owns a small winery here in Texas that specializes in Fruit wines. His winery offers several selections of spiced wines that are made to be served warm or at room temperature. If I was to receive a bottle of wine that stated on the label " serve warm " or " Best at room temperature " I would probably think twice about chilling it with a bunch of fruit.

This makes you sound so pretentious, you sound like frasier. Give a gift from the heart, who cares what they do with it as long as they enjoy it. Not every one is like you and not everyone has your taste, don't be such a control freak. I know this is really insulting but I don't mean for it to be, just be more open to other people.

If I'm going to gift some wine at a party, I usually bring two bottles. One for the host or hostess and one as a gift that I explain I picked out especially for them.

Next time, bring a really cheap bottle of wine. That way you won't really care what happens to it once it's "out of your hands". (if there is a next time) OR, just get over it. Bought & sold.

Proclaim "Whoaaaaa". If you want to make a decent sangria, this one wont fit the bill - it gets positively quiet when its cold - no life in it. Now if you want a decent sangria...."

Its an honest mistake for neophytes. I'm sure you've had cold chardonnay....we all cringe at this sort of thing in retrospect, but wine is a process....

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