What does life have in common with alcohol?!
Answers: post your thoughts here funny or not, nothing is a wrong answer, except for that one guy down there. Just kidding.
They both make me want to smoke.
Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Depends on if you're drinking.
You think everything is goin just fine - then you just wanna barf
you start out---you start feeling good --- you get drunkkkk!!! ---then the hangover (older years)
The way the elections are going I think I'll stay drunk until November.
Life is full of try hard heroes that no one cares about, alcohol turns people into try hard heroes that no one cares about
Life is a waste of time.
Time is a waste of life.
So why not get wasted all the time?
And have the time of your life!
reality is just a hallucination caused by lack of alcohol