What did young women drink in pubs before alcopops were invented?!


What did young women drink in pubs before alcopops were invented?

Genuine question. All the young girls drinking today seem to like alcopops so what where they drinking before?

pint of bitter, I still do

half lager,wine

Port and Lemonade.

It's actually quite nice...

bacardi and coke or vodka and lime

Lager,Lager and lime.

half lager or wine or sherry or even tomato juice ewww

nothing.... young women wernt allowed at the pub unless they were prostitutes... but in their case im sure gin or whiskey was just fine.....

Half of lagers, or cyder.

Babycham, gin and tonics, anything that they didn't have to put their thumb over. They just got pissed all by themselves.

Wine spritzers, beer, bloody well whatever they wanted!

Women weren't allowed in pubs not so long ago.

when I was a young girl(many moons ago) i would drink lager and lime or cider and black (black currant). My daughters usually drink wine. I also prefer wine now

Back when women were considered sub-citizens, they were allowed to drink lemonade, juices, and Coors light. None of them contain alcohol, so their integrity was never at risk. It has since been proven that lemonade contains more alcohol than Coors light, so soon you may have to show ID to drink it. Coors light does, however contain more piss than alcohol. Some parents put it in their babies bottle. They're babies, they don't know any better.

For me it was Martini and lemonade. Being very lady like and having it in a posh glass lol. But drinking lots of them!!

larger with lemonade was a favorite or if you wanted to make them giggle babysham and brandy

Mixed drinks, cider, lager…but I’m a US country girl, we shoot whiskey or tequila.

many women liked (and still like) beer

Vodka and redbull
Vodka and orange
Port and lemon
Martini and lemonage

When I left school 25 years ago alcopops weren't invented and we used to drink mainly soft drinks, fruit juices or coke or lemonade.

If we wanted to push the boat out we'd have one or two Dry Martini and Lemonades or Babychams. Very restrained when compared with the young girls you see out today getting totally trollied! These days I drink red wine or vodka and tonic, but still not in vast quantities!

Anything that was mixed with soda.

lager and black

all depends on the woman i suppose..
vodka and coke
vodka and orange
vodka and lemonade
vodka and tomato juice
tia maria and coke
tia maria and lemonade
bacardi and coke
jack daniels and coke
half or pint of lager
half or pint of cider
cocktails (depending on the place)
red wine
white wine
soft drinks
all sorts really just like some men dont have pints what do they have?!


Pils and lime

Sorry, thought you said young women, but you've moved on to young girls. I don't know anyone of either sex over the age of 14 who drinks "alcopops", but maybe I should get out more!

What YOUNG WOMEN used to drink was whatever you could get down 'em. I doubt if it's much different today...

Depends on their age.
Lager & Lime, Cider & Black, Cherry B, Babycham, Tia Maria, Wine, Taboo & Lemonade, Baileys & ice - you get the picture.... What ever gets them sloshed.

We haven't changed that much over the years. It's only now that we are stupid enough to pay £5.00 for a bottle of something that tastes like Iron Bru & gives us a banging head in the morning...

My nan used to drink Gin and Orange.........yuk! lol. I would say that most chicks used to drink top shelf or beer - I know the girls in my family did when they were young.

And for the record, I dont drink alcopops, to much acid in them for me! I'll a traditional vodka drinker :)

alcopops are the Bacardi breezier. before they use to have sandy and chaser

white wine spritzers

vodka with various mixers ie coke, orange, lime, lemonade

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