Why do drunks pretend they are not hung over in the morning?!

Question: I have a lot of drunks in my family, also dated a few, and the next day after drinking heavily, i ask something like"are you hung over?" or "how hung over are you" and at that point they get offended and say "i'm not hung over" when you can really tell, they are sick as a dog/

Answers: I have a lot of drunks in my family, also dated a few, and the next day after drinking heavily, i ask something like"are you hung over?" or "how hung over are you" and at that point they get offended and say "i'm not hung over" when you can really tell, they are sick as a dog/

when i have a hangover,i simply say "**** man i got wasted again last night,i have a hangover" there is nothing to be ashamed of

Don't ask them. They are embarassed by their behaviour and in denial about how much they drink.

Dug addiction is a funny thing. It seams as if it is a bad thing to be hung over then they justify lying about it. Like if they admit they have alcohol poisoning (hung over) it kicks them out of some kind of club they think they belong to or something......

Ive a drunk and I never get hungover. Its probably cuz Ive been drinking for so long.

I had a hang over this morning and I complaned to everyone who would listen.

they are simply ashamed of themselves.

Personally I don't make some big spectacle when I'm hung over but I could see where they might get agitated by somebody harping on them about it. Why should it matter to you if they're hung over or not, just let them tough it out on their own whether they're in denial or not.

You don't need to be a "drunk' to get a hangover for starters... Besides only the young ones brag about their hangovers. Be a man muscle through it.

I always say when im hungover in the hope that everyone will leave me alone so I can sleep all day.

Due to a high tolerance, many of them won't be.

My exhusband was accustomed to the 'feeling' in the morning and didn't think he was 'hung over' until he quit drinking for good. After a few years he said "I never knew I could feel this good in the morning". So maybe they just don't realize it.

I think it's just a natural reaction to deny being hungover. It's like when somebody calls while your sleeping and you answer the phone. The other party says "Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?". What is most peoples natural answer? "No, I was up". They know the truth. So, if you know somebody is hungover, why bother asking the question? Is it just to annoy them? Some things are better off not said, do you see my point sweetie?

usually, if your an alcoholic to the point that you drink all day every day, you just dont get hangovers.my brother is that kind of alcoholic, hes 7 years older that me(43 yrs old) and he'll drink a whole bottle of vodka and mabey 10 beers and party till 3am, go to sleep and he gets up at 7am feeling fine.

They're embarrassed to admit they drank too much. If you have self-doubt in the morning and shame with drinking you might want to seek help. If it runs in your family be careful.

Why are you asking them in the first place? If they aren't feeling good, what makes you want to rub it in? Dean Martin once said that he felt sorry for people that don't drink because when they wake up in the morning that's as good as they are going to feel all day. The point, however, is mind your own business.

when you are used to feeling hungover everyday- you can't even tell you are hungover anymore- it is a normal feeling

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