How can I enjoy my 21st birthday with out getting sick?!


How can I enjoy my 21st birthday with out getting sick?

My 21st birthdya is coming and I want to enjoy it! I knwo I'll be drinking and drinks will be offered but I just don't want to spend half of my birthday being sick! any ideas?

1) learn your limits. thats the easiest thing to do. i dont know how big u are but im 120 5'5 and 3 shots gets me pretty smashed so know how many shots your body can handle.people say pace yourself which is really good advice but it only goes so far. learn when to stop drinking. dont keep drinking if you are drunk already youll be a really bad friend if you do. also do not mix colors and liquors. if you start on one color stay on it (like dont mix vodka which is clear with brandy which is brown.. dark liquors have more sugar so youll feel worse in the morning)
2) eat well before and drink a lot of water. the food prevents you from feeling sick and if u do have to throw up u will have something to throw up. nothing is worse than when ur body wants to throw up but u have nothing to throw up. when that happens u throw up water and bile.... very very very bad.
3) take Chaser pills when you are drinking. they are little red pills you can buy at a drug store. they work miracles read the instructions and follow them carefully.
if all else fails have a good friend to hold your hair back while u throw up and dont throw up all over the place no body wants to see that and you will get talked about and possible arrested for being drunk in public if you are out.
happy birthday and have fun.

You can say no to a drink anytime including your 21st birthday. It's a good skill to have no matter what occasion it is. If you are nervous about it, make sure you are out with people who will take care of you and cut you off if need be. Also, going out to a very nice place with just a few close friends will make you birthday fun, but not over the top. If you don't go out to a place where drinks are cheap for people to buy for you, they won't offer as much.

eat before drinking and while drinking try to eat small snack or some hot wings or something with bread to soak up the alcohol have a good time on your B-Day.

Drink juice instead. Say no to alcohol. Eat lots of birthday cake.

Watch what you eat and drink. You don't have to get stinko to have a good time. Getting drunk is not all it is cracked up to be. You barely remember if you had a good time or not. You get sick and feel horrible the next day. That's no celebration! Whatever you decide to do always have a designated driver. Have a wonderful and safe birthday.

eat before you go and pace your self , and if u start to feel a little sick eat some crackers. but most importantly pace your self

Eat before and drink slowly and in moderation. If you drink beer make sure you stick to drinking beer all night or if you go for harder drinks stick to those all night but trust me they will catch up on you so sip your drinks. Happy Birthday!!

Have fun, but do not overindulge. If you start with a certain drink, stick with it. And drink a glass of water between drinks (this will help with the hangover I know you will have). Don't do a bunch of shots. In my experience, (and I have plenty) mixing a bunch of different kinds alcohol makes most people sick. And be sure to eat a good meal before going out.
People are going to offer you drinks and shots. If you do not want them, tell the person no thanks. I know people will not always listen, so you may want to talk to the bartender ahead of time and work something out. He or she may help out. When someone orders you a shot, the bartender can give you a shot of water or soda and dress it up to look like a shot. So you can appease them without drinking too much. This may help for those persistent people who MUST buy you a birthday drink. Sometimes people just won't take no for an answer.

And finally---Please do not do the 21 shots game. PLEASE!!! It is very dangerous!!! It sounds like a fun game, but people DIE doing it.
And most important---

drink alot leading up to your b-day. practice make perfect.

Be sure to eat something before you go out. Don't mix what you are drinking throughout the night, don't start with wine then switch to martinis. Everyone will be trying to buy you shots, just say no. Shots sneak up on you then smack you down. Get some water or other non-alcoholic drinks in, or be two-fisted, sipping from your non-alcoholic drink too! Step out on the dance floor without a drink for a few songs every hour. (Don't leave your drink unattended, though)

Have a great time!

Once you start feeling buzzed take an Aspirin. You will feel a little revived and then keep on going!

Oh! And drink water all day before going out and inbetween drinks.

Pace yourself, drink water when drinking other alcoholic drinks, make sure to eat, and have lots of fun!!

Eat before hand and try to drink slowly. Alternate between alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks. This has the dual advantage of less alcohol consumption and greater hydration.

And at the end of the night if you've had too much alcohol, make sure you have a big glass of water.

Sickness is a result of transgressing the laws that govern your body. The finger that made the Ten Commandments is from the same hand that fearfully and wonderfully created our bodies. General health is mostly by choice, and not by chance. By obeying the principles from the word of God, you can not only ensure comparitively good health in this life, but eternally good health in the life to come. And that means abstaining from the poisons that only seek to destroy your body, such as alcohol.

drink clear liquors like vodka or bacardi light and drink water all day until u start 2 party or u can drink water while partying

Happy Birthday! Its been said before, but just make sure you pace yourself. Dont go hog wild. It is way more fun to be a little tipsy and buzzed than puking and having a nasty hang over( I know from experience. hee hee). Stick with one kind of liquor. I dont know about other people, but I think those Chaser pills do work. You might give em a try. If you feel like you are getting too tipsy, stop drinking for a little while , Dont let people force more on you, because they might, even though they think its just fun. You might have a trusted friend or family member by your side too. Have fun!

The most important drink is water. Drink water before, during, and after you are done tying one on. This will help you the morning after, because the sickness most people experience is due to dehydration. The second thing is, eat. I have heard that greasy foods help, and I've heard foods with bread to soak up alcohol. I can't swear to either, but I can swear to eating three full meals that day. And go slow. A shot or two of tequilla won't kill you. Four or five in rapid succession very well may. In fact, see number one and drink water in between alcoholic drinks.

Eat a regular sized meal 1-2 hours before you start drinking. Don't drink bottom shelf liquor. And don't drink water immediately after drinking. Some people say it helps you from getting sick but that's a myth. It actually makes it worse. Drink water the next day. Oh and don't drink and drive! Follow that advice and you should have a decent time. :)

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