What alcohol should i buy for spring break, with roughly $200?!

Question: This need's to last for 4 Days, between 5 Guys.

Names, and Such would help.

Answers: This need's to last for 4 Days, between 5 Guys.

Names, and Such would help.

Perfect amount!

I suggest:
Vodka- 4 handles- $60
Rum- 4 handles- $60
Tequila- 1 handle- $20
Triple Sec- 1 handle- $12
Jager- $25
Rest on beer, or you could change it around for more beer than liquor. Whatever you see fit. But estimate about $15 for a handle of liquor. (won't be great, but it could be worse!)

Make some Kamikazi's:

And Jager Bombs:


Of course there are plenty more drinks you can make with those liquors. Add them to your virtual bar at liquorlive and see all the drinks you can make.

200 won't be enough

sailer jerry

Well, I think you need some basics like vodka, rum and whiskey, and then get as much beer as you can. I would go for Captain Morgan Spiced which goes great with either pineapple juice or simply coke, Smirnoff vodka is smooth and great for mixing or just shots, and there's nothing better than Jack Daniels for whiskey which I would mix with coke. As far as beer goes, I would ask the guys what their favorites are and get a bit of what everyone likes, but I would suggest going cheap because you're looking to get keyed, not sipping for the taste.

if you don't care about taste and it's just about getting drunk. get 5 bottles of aristocrat vodka and some cheap mixers. whatever you prefer with vodka. aristocrat is a disjustice to vodka but it will definitely get you plastered! :)

i agree with dabomb. this is not nearly enough money to keep five guys happy for four days. i suggest you sell some belongings. perhaps you should have a garage sale tomorrow and sell things like old clothes, exercise machines and skis. throw in some homemade lemonade and there you have it.

once you've raised the appropriate funds, get a variety. gettin good and hammered for four days requires an array of different types and qualities of booze. most days, you'll wake up face down in the little hotel room you're all sharing to save money for more booze, and all you'll want is a PBR (pabst blue ribbon). there is a reason it's got a blue ribbon. because it's the best and it's not the absolute cheapest, but still cheap. the reason you'll want a nice, cold PBR is that you drank waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much hard liquor the night before. you would have perhaps started with a nice bottle of jameson, but by the end of the night, you're drinkin jimbeam cause you can't taste it anymore anyway.
you'll only want to drink one kind of booze each night, and you'll need two bottles per night. tequila night: i'd go with a nice bottle of patron to begin and then switch over to jose cuervo with lime and salt after say, four shots of patron. again, you won't taste it anyway. good 'n' cheap.
vodka? two belvedere martinis, straight up with olives. then right on to nikolai, which you'll want to mix with tonic and lime.
the last night, you'll have the remnants of some of these bottles left. each pick one liquor and stick with it.
remember: beer before liquor, never been sicker. liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
that's why you buy at least 4 cases of PBR, to drink late into the night to keep that buzz goin. then wake up to one or two cold ones, break until beer thirty and commence drinking. my favorite way to keep my energy going is by starting the night off with a sparks. get the black kind, it's got more alcohol.

you had better not be under 18. and seriously, don't drink and drive.

4 days and 5 guys with 200 bucks. Me and 5 of my friends were spending much more than that per day on alcohol for spring break (and we can get it legally)

Bacardi 151, just do 3 shots and you wont need anything else the rest of the night. I reckon its the cheapest way to get drunk because the alcohol is 75.5% but not sure if its available outside Australia

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