How do you make strong alcohol like vodka?!
Answers: does anyone knows how to make these types of alcohol
i sure do. kinda illegal so i won't be divulging how on here. you can make the mash legally, but even possesing the neccassary parts for the still is illegal. it can be dangerous too. i started a nasty fire about 20 years ago!
i make it by going to the store and buying a bottle of stoli
There are many websites that have this info. I would first get a liqour license and obey your state's laws.
In New Zealand you can buy a still with instructions to make your own spirits. Generally you create a fermented beverage then distill it to give alcohol. Additives or impurities from the original fermentation determine what type of spirit it is. Because some components are harmful the ditillation process needs to be properly conducted. It many countries it is illegal to distall spirits at home, but in some (such as New Zealnd) it is legal, as long as you do not sell the spirits. No doubt in some places the whole process is legal.