HEY!!! Hey!! you guys have some drinking games going?!
Answers: I'm trying to play every drinking game in the world at once for the rest of my life. Any and every one you know would be appreciated (my tolerance for alcohol is appallingly high). Thank you.
Here's a link to a few drinking games for you. One drinking game that is my favorite and fairly uncommon is dodge beer. You sholuld definitely check it out...it's found from that link and requires a lot of drinking!!! Hope this helps you accomplish your interesting goal.
no sorry
kings cup
f**k the dealer
to the bar and back
beer pong
flip cup
The best drinking game ever invented........how long can you go without drinking any alcohol at all. It's the best!
my fave game is century's. u grap a blank tape or cd, on side A put 1min of different songs, on side B put 1min 30 secs of different songs. everytime the songs change u have to take a shot of booze/beer. it gets really tricky in the middle of side A cause u have to pour and take a shot b4 the song changes, if u miss a shot u lose or can make up for it by doing a double shot. have fun
you can play "I never".The way it works: Somebody says something they never did(or it could be something they did do)Ex: "I never had sex on the 1st date." If someone in the room has done it before they have to take a shot.....Its fun everybody gets drunk and you find out all kind off stuff about people the more drunk you get