I can do my report on any beverage I want besides water...?!
Answers: So which beverage should I choose?
RED BULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because its my fav! :P
Definitely vodka
diet soda or those cystal light drink... even though they are low cal what makes them that way... what is bad about them
Peach juice! Haha...It's yummy though.
Or something like NEWMAN'S LEMONADE which donates a part of its proceeds to charity! ?
root beer or hot chocolate. Did you know chocolate beverages go back to pre middle ages?
how about coca cola, interesting history with cocaine
Jagermeister definately A lot of history and usa doesnt even sell the true kind. Germany where its made sells the true kind it has deer blood in it. Jagermeister means Deer Hunter in german try it out>>>>
tequilla or jagger
OXO,that,s a square deal.
Try a compare and contrast on energy drinks or vitamin drinks - i.e. Monster vs. Rockstar vs. whatever else, LifeWater vs. Vitamin Water, Gatorade vs. Powerade.
Vodka. It just sounds fun!
Coconut milk.
Gatorade, great story about how it was developed at University of Florida, Where it gets the name