How can I smuggle alcohol into grad and aftergrad??!


How can I smuggle alcohol into grad and aftergrad??

At my grad and after grad I need to sneak in some booze. Im a girl so what would be the best way to do it without getting caught. They're doing pat downs, checking bag and coats. Is there ANY way?? Thanks

grow up.

Why bother? Doesn't sound like you'll be there long enough to drink it.

sounds like a bad idea.. in th grade i brought rum to school and amost got caught (i cried my way out of it and i was drunk so it was ironically funnnny)

i wouldnt do it.... let other people rish themselves and get the booze from them!

Well, that would depend on the size of the bottle, of course. Throw me an E-Mail for more info.

Blessed Be

there's always the old keester stash!! just depends on how badly you want it!

you're that desperate for alcohol. Forget it. Drink a Dr. Pepper, it's goooooooooood.


Is it really worth it? This is the reason most young immature kids get killed because of drinking and driving after grad parties. And it's stupid people like you that are the cause of it. School may be able to teach you an education but obviously not maturity. It's time to "Grow up".

alright babe listen up if you know where this grad is then pre game it and go hide a bottle ... in the bathroom celing tile or in a bush....but be careful they might be like no u cant graduate and plus isnt your family at your grad and i had a similar after grad and they were so tight on security so

gettin caught underage drinking at your graduation will be totally embarasshing. do you really want to get arrested? naww. not worth it. just wait. a few years. unless ur graduating college then you already know to get drunk before you go.. but u dont want to be caught in front of your friends and family. all bad.

flask in a boot, or tapped/holstered to the thigh/ or back pocket. If they let you bring in like a arizona tea to the grad then just pre mix some rum in it--green arizona tea and rum go decent together. if worried about breath get goldenslaugher--smells like cinnimon and just have cinnimon gum/mints to play it off

Drink it beforehand they cant checking you stomac. Other than that dont its not worth the headache and consequences. And no matter how secretive you are everyone will find out then you will have all of them asking you for some drawing attention even if you get it in.
Then you get drunk throw up on the principal and your parents get called and you dont get to graduate unless you write a report about how drinking is bad and how it hurts people and you find out you may be an alcoholic. Havent you ever seen that episode of full house? Or maybe it was growing pains?
Cant remember
Just a bad idea.

oh so exciting! graduation! i am aswell going to be graduating soon, but i will be sober, simpily because i am too much of a *****... but go you and having the guts to go intoxicated! hope all works out

vodka in a water bottle, fill it up almost all the way so it looked like you never opened it, you should be able to walk right in. if not , buy a flask and tape it to your groin, a little extreme, but noone wants to get sued for sexual harrassment.

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