I'm still hung over from last night, what else will help!?!

Question: I drank the past two nights... a lot, stupid I know , but whats done is done. I have drank water and ate crackers. Are there any super home remedies that I'm not aware of? I feel crappy help me out here....

Answers: I drank the past two nights... a lot, stupid I know , but whats done is done. I have drank water and ate crackers. Are there any super home remedies that I'm not aware of? I feel crappy help me out here....

eat greasey food it will settle your stomach and make you feel loads better it works for me every time your just have to make your self eat it.

The only cure for a hangover is more alcohol. The hangover is actually alcohol withdrawal, so have a shot and you'll feel better.

Spicey V 8 juice and spicey foods and of course tylenol.

nothing but time will cure a hangover

take a multi vitamin, drink water, and SLEEP

I heard eating two apples helps. Something with the hydration of the fruit and something else...

Tomato juice has helped me, but the best remedy, unfortunately, is time. Liquids, electrolytes and time...

DRINK COCA-COLA and eat hula hoops this usually resolves most hangovers

Don't drink so much. Drink water. There's not much you can do except ride it out.

I dont know I seem to like grapes??

Honey, that's why drinking alcohol is bad! If you do the bad, you must suffer the consequenses. Sorry!

BC Powder will stop the headache but you'll still have that groggy feeling. Time is the only true cure. I've heard that Vitamin B tabs and pedialyte helps as well but have never tried it. Next time you get plastered, stop and get something to eat right before you go home and drink LOTS of water before you pass out.

BC headache powders and a good breakfast (eggs, sausage, etc.) always make me feel better. Plenty of water too. Good luck. Find an alcohol that you can drink that won't give you a bad hangover. Different things work for different people.

Drink Gatoraid

Drink ya a bloodymary. BC Powder for the head ache.

original coca-cola - none of that diet and sugar-free stuff. the best hungover food is mcdonalds then fall right back to sleep!

but next time when u're drunk, try to remember taking a panadol before sleeping. many swear by it but i've never done it - i get too wasted to remember!

Drink gatorade and take a B-vitamin. Don't try to eat anything too heavy or weird, or you'll throw it up and make yourself feel worse. Sleep a lot. Treat it basically like you have a stomach flu- take sips of gatorade and soup every once in a while, don't overdo it, rest plenty.
Don't feel bad about overindulging. Everyone goes overboard once in a while. Just try to take it a little lighter next time and get plenty of dinner, plenty of water and a multivitamin before you go out for a night of libations.

water and icecream works for me

The quintessential Bloody Mary.
Heres how to make one:
Crushed ice in a Tom Collins glass.
Mix tomato juice with a dash of Tabasco, a dash of Worcestershire, celery salt, black pepper, a pinch of black cardamom and the juice of half a fresh lemon. Add a shot of chilled vodka to the glass and pour over the tomato juice concoction. garnish with a celery stick and a slice of lemon.
Repeat until human again.
Try not to drink so much hun, contrary to popular belief you only get one liver (or so I read, on the back of a beer coaster).

and a Gatorade

Drink a restorative.This is any drink that restorews your body with the viatimins it needs.Such as orange juice, tomatoe juice, any drinks high in viatimins.And just to prevent this next time,after your done drinking for the night,drinka restorative and a glass of water with some asprin.

Lots of Tylenol and sleep, drink more water, unless of course your pukeing, poor girl, dont you hate that sh%@!!!!!!!!!

its hard to find but take a bottle of bitter put a few drops on slice of lemon bite into the lemon and chase with a lil soda or tonic water

Water, Vitamin B, and time are the only cures I know of.

cold crunchy things help me,like fresh green and red non hot peppers and really crunchy pickles and plain lettuce with a little salt.good luck

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