A drink called "zacapa canchancharas" what is it?!
A drink called "zacapa canchancharas" what is it?
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2 months ago
Anyone know where its from and whats in it? It sounds latin-american-ish. I did a search and I got results for either "zacapa" and "canchancharas" but not together. maybe cuban? guatemalan?
2 months ago
Anyone know where its from and whats in it? It sounds latin-american-ish. I did a search and I got results for either "zacapa" and "canchancharas" but not together. maybe cuban? guatemalan?
This is two things:
A city in Guatemala where rum is made. Ron Zacapa makes good rum and ages it which makes it even better (So I am told never had Zacapa Rum myself)
A drink made from rum honey lime and seltzer (Some other sites I found when double checking showed just lime and seltzer or wine in place of rum)
So IMHO a zacapa canchancharas would be a mixture of Zacapa Rum honey lime juice and fizzy water (tonic seltzer what have you).
Now tell me whats in a nutty irishmen?
Is that really a drink? Craziness. What's in it?
I think it's a drink containing rum
it sound mouth watering.....