What do you think about drinking alcohol at age 18 only on saturdays?!
Answers: please tell me that with good reasons
Age is not a factor. 17, 18, 34, 99...
Wine and beer is enjoyable. It has health benefits in moderation and can be enjoyed as part of a ful and active life.
What is not enjoyable is lying in a pool of vomit, getting a balck eye, smashing your car and killing your freinds in an accident etc.
As long as you are responsible, and the fact that you are asking the question shows maturity, and drink in moderation and slowly knwing and being in concious control over the amount you are drinking, then go for it.
At some point, every person comes into contact with an 'alcohol' situation. My son has a (very) small glass of wine with his sunday meal. Its what we do as a family. Hopefully by debunking myths about booze you can mould a new generation.
At the end of the day, I doubt there are many on this earth that have not been plastered out of their minds at one time in their lives. However, I doubt many of them would like to go through it again just for kicks.
Drinking at 18 is legal in the UK (where I'm at). Obey the law. they are there for protection, even when we dont know why sometimes. By sticking to it, you prove to others you are mature.
If you were my child, 18 and living in the UK and only drinking alcohol on saturdays - I would be very pleased... as long as it wasnt some binge drinkign session, otherwise its a waste of time. You might aswell drink every day, it would be safer.
If you are above the legal age for your country, then have a beer, enjoy it and still be able to walk home without any regrets.
im 19 and drink usually on the weekends- i have friends that are older. i think the law is ridiculous. we can go and get killed in iraq, be considered an adult in court, buy a house, car, etc but we can't legally have a beer? bullsh**
as long as youre smart about it, (driving, fighting, etc) but just remember being drunk doesnt take anything away from your actions.
the law is stupid. i agree with everyone else who have answered. normally at 15 or 16, people are the size of a normal adult. the law only makes it that much more fun to break!! seriously!
You are an adult, you have to make your own decisions.
If you drink there may or may not be consequences.
Best of luck.