Why is it bad to drink redbull mixed with alcohols?!
Answers: sources:
The same reason it's bad to drink it with Gatorade: Redbull makes your body pump your blood harder, it makes the alcohol in your system circulate to your brain alot more rapidly and results in a higher level of intoxication.
red bull makes you hyper while alcohol is a depressant
it screws with your system
It will get you drunk and it is bad to your health.
It's bad because Red Bull is an "upper," meaning it gets you amped and hyper and alcohols are "downers," (even though some people seem amped when they drink). So when you combine both of those, they send different messages to your brain, supposedly killing off more of those precious brain cells.
its not! its great!
u get extra rowdy
Redbull+Jagermeiister=one hell of a time
jagerbombs baby.... its not bad
I think it's just that red bull is high in energy so it like the poster above said it will pump your blood faster causing the alcohol to intoxicate you more effectively.
My mate had 9 red bull and vodkas in 2 hours one nite in town and yea I pretty had to drag him home lol