What does cavier tasted like?!?!
Answers: im gonna eat some at my cousins wedding 2morrow and i was just wondering what this fancy food tastes like??
Its fish eggs or rope. They're treated with some salt.
You don't have to take a lot. Just put some on the cracker or toast point or whatever is offered.
Take one tiny bite. Taste it. If you don't like it, don't eat any more. Try something else.
Part of life's lessons is doing things and tasting foods which are different and stimulate our senses. Some things are better-tasting and are more pleasant experiences than others.
Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!
Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!
3-28--08 Hi steve19!
Thank you very, very much. I’m honored my answer was chosen THE BEST!
When I received the notice, it REALLY helped make my day MUCH better!
Again, Thank You Very Much!
Very Truly Yours,
Ron Berue Report It
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