How do you differentiate liqueur from likka?!
"Naw, rookie, it's a likka!"
Answers: I went with a close friend of mine to a social gathering, and he told me to watch out for the Hypnotic Island punch. I'm not much of a drinker, so I asked what was in it. He said 7-Up, pineapple juice and Hypnotic. "Oh, is Hypnotic a liqueuer?" , I naively asked. He just about doubled over laughing, and said,
"Naw, rookie, it's a likka!"
Liquor is distilled from malts, grains, or wine. Examples: Whisky, Vodka, Gin.
Liqueurs have distinct flavors, designed to taste like something. Examples of liqueur: Amaretto, Triple Sec, Jagermeister, Kahlua, Bailey's.
Hypnotiq is a liqueur.
that was a slang answer, likka and liquor are the same thing
Same thing, people just have different ways of saying things