My 21st birthday is tomorrow (April 19th) IDEAS??!


My 21st birthday is tomorrow (April 19th) IDEAS??

i need ideas besides bars and casinos. what are good drinks? (mix drinks and shots) does anyone else have the same birthday? mine is 4-19-1986. what are the best hangover cures, and ways to avoid hangovers..?

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2 months ago
yes my bf will deff. be driving. i would never drink and drive. recipes for drinks?

2 months ago
yes my bf will deff. be driving. i would never drink and drive. recipes for drinks?

since i don't know how experienced you are with drinking, i will pretend you know nothing.

first things first -
hangover cures/prevention: hangovers are your body's reaction to dehydration and loss of electrolytes. in order to prevent a hangover, eat a large meal that contains proteins (steak, chicken, or tofu) several hours before you drink and drink lots of water. starting off hydrated helps a lot!!

while drinking, alternate your adult beverages with water and drink a bottle of gatorade before you go to sleep (even if you don't want it... you will definitely appreciate it later). also keep gatorade by you while you sleep. everytime you wake up, take a huge gulp... this will help rehydrate you.

alcohol is a stomach irritant, so do not take motrin (or other ibuprofen-containing painkillers). also, tylenol negatively affects the liver, especially in combination with alcohol, so avoid acetominophene (the active ingredient in tylenol and also present in most prescription painkillers: vicodin, percocet, etc).

vitamin c supplements help protect your immune system (your more likely to get a cold or the flu after a night of heavy drinking). i would avoid over-the-counter "hangover remedies." despite people claiming that these are the end all and be all of hangover treatments, i've seen them not work for a lot more people than those who have good luck with them... and they are expensive for what they are. just stick with lots of liquids and a little aspirin.

whatever you do, do not follow the rule about "hair of the dog." drinking more alcohol when you are hungover will irritate the stomach lining, further dehydrate you, and do nothing for your hangover, except possibly get you drunker. it is very common to still be intoxicated even after hours of sleep.

and now for the fun part - drinks:
my recommendations are -
shooters - drinks that contain 1-2 oz. and are finished quickly. i recommend chasing all shots with a glass of water... it helps with the hangover later... and despite what people might say, does not make you a "wuss."

*******... (kahlua and bailey's topped with whipped cream)... tastes like a frappuccino)... super fun to drink if served properly (tall shot glass - called a pony glass - take the shot without using your hands)... it really is a must for a party.

koolaid shots taste... well, like koolaid... they are v (vodka), s (southern comfort peach liquer with a hint of whiskey flavor), midori (melon liquer), and chambord (berry liquer). very fruity!

lemondrop... (vodka, lemon juice, triple sec - orange liquer)... the glass is coated with sugar and you bite the lemon after the shot... these are awesome. they taste great and aren't too strong... good drink to start off with... and they have a lot of vodka in them to get you sufficiently plastered.

bombs - bombs are mixed drinks that start with a pint glass filled with what would normally be a chaser and a shot of liquor that is dropped into the pint glass and the whole thing is finished as quickly as possible (slammed).

irish car bomb - there are two ways to make these... and both are technically right. the first one i was exposed to is a pint of guinness draught with a shot of bailey's dropped in. if you hate guinness, recommend staying away from this one. the second is a pint glass with jameson (irish whiskey) with a shot of bailey's. this one tastes a lot better, but is harder to finish quickly... burns on the way down if you aren't used to whiskey.

finally, the jager bomb. this is a pint glass with red bull and you drop in a shot of jagermeister. jagermeister is a licorice-flavored liquer (that i think tastes like poo, but some people love it).

mixed drinks - anything "sour" or "cherry sour" will taste really good... vodka, whiskey, and amaretto are all good... they are easy to drink and don't burn too much going down...

anything carbonated will get you drunk faster...

anything with caffeine will give you an interesting drunk (try vodka with red bull for a very interesting experience).

finally... things to avoid... do NOT tell the bartender that you want "a shot of anything" or a "surprise." you will probably get one of these...

spill mat, matt dillon, leftovers, or any other of various names... the bartender takes the spill mat, pours it into a shot glass and viola... it's gross... don't do it. it contains everything ordered that night... sodas, beer, liquor... everything... especially gross if someone has been drinking bloody marys...

cement mixer... really, the worst thing ever... a shot of bailey's (which contains cream) and lemon juice... about the time you get the shot to your mouth, the lemon juice curdles the cream... tastes bad, feels bad, looks bad... and will make you very unhappy...

aborted fetus... sounds catchy, right? it has a raw egg in it... this one is a big "NO!" it will probably make you vomit immediately.

most of all... enjoy yourself and happy birthday!!

years as a bartender and avid drinker!

Happy Birthday! You know, you don't need to drink to enjoy your 21'st birthday. I did'nt drink on mine and I don't regret it. If you are going to drink be careful and have a designated driver. Your life is too important to end it all on your 21'st.

Good drinks I have heard are koolaid shooters and martini's. My birthday is 5-3-1984 so nope sorry and on my B-day I will be 23. Prevention is best in preventing a hangover:0) DON'T Mix beer and liquor EVER, stick to one or the other. For hangover drink fruit juices. Once I had a bad hangover from Tequila( literally puking up green stuff all night and until 1 pm the next day) and drank Pepsi and felt 20 million times better.
But I had made the mistake of mixing my poisons , like I said unless you want to be ill don't it.Don't over do it either , know your limit.

Don't drive and Don't let any of your friends drive. Chip in and get car service drive you where ever you go. you'll have twice as much fun. but collect the money before everyone stars drinking.

16ozs of water for every for every 1-2ozs of liquor. and eat well before and after you drink.

sake slammers and sake martinis

We had dinner & drinks at this moroccan place downtown Sacramento. It was great! We got a Private room, it was small but perfect fit for me & my friends. There was a belly dancer and hookah bar. I countinued my celebration later in the week by going to a Zokku Lounge. We got a VIP booth there w/ bottle service. You should try taking "Chaser" pills. I heard the help. Also Tiquila is great for trying to avoid a hangover. I personally think that getting a hangover is part of celebrating your 21st bday! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday. 1st drink lots of water the day of your birthday so you don't get as dehydrated when you start drinking. Also, try to pace yourself. Everyone will want to buy you a drink and get you "wasted." Trust me, it's no fun when you are sick by 10 pm and all your friends are just hunky dory, partying on your birthday without you because your praying to the porcelain god. Also, some good drinks are flavored martinis like sour apple, key lime pie martinis. Yumm! For keylime pie martinis you mix 2 part triple sec, 2 part pineapple juice, 2 parts vanilla vodka and 1 part lime juice, mix in martini shaker with ice. Soooooo good. That's my favorite drink of all time. Seriously.

just don't drink white russians. they're really good, but if you're going to be drinking in order to get plastered and not just to enjoy a few drinks, don't drink em--they have milk in them and no one wants to be puking up milk on their 21st. by the way, Happy Birthday!

Best way to curve a hangover is to put a splash of soda water in any drink u drink this keeps your body hydrated learned in drug and alcohol class it works or I heard the hangover pills really work to
Good drinks are flaming DR Pepper its cool to watch them set it on fire than you drink it gets you F......UP
One last thing you get a free drink from what ever bar you go to so hit all bars in your area thats the fun part
Happy Birthday

well a shooter called a butter nipple is good it is like butter schnapps and bailey's Irish cream,there is also pina colada which is a nice light alcohol beverage.Appletinis are good too they taste alot like a jolly rancher As far as ways to avoid a hang over drink plenty of water and make sure you eat. As far as the comment someone made about mixing beer and alcohol making you sick it is soley based on the person. I can drink beer and then drink a jack and coke or a vodka and OJ and still be fine but it is what works best for you.Just have fun and pace yourself and enjoy your birthday.

BE CAREFUL! my 21st was a nightmare. Before I knew it, i had over 40 shots and got alcohol poisoning. Pace yourself and have a blast!

First stay away from fruity mix drinks with a lot of sugar. They are the ones that dehydrate you and make you have a hang over. Beer of the tap I would say is the best way to party all night. Just drink a bottle of water after every 2 drinks and you should be fine. Straight alcohol like a real gin martini, good whiskey (not Jack Daniels), or a good bourbon will do you right if you drink them slowly. Remember NEVER to mix your alcohol. Also remember, " Liquor before beer your in the clear, beer before liquor you've never been sicker. Have a happy 21st birthday and take your time with the drinks or you will be sorry.

My birthday is tomorrow too!!! But I'll only be 20 sadly... Definitely try a long island iced tea! They're great... Have a shot of Blackhaus and a shot of Rumplemintz (spelling?) Drink plenty of water while you're drinking, rotate a drink and a glass of water, and you probably wont get a hang over. Alcohol dehydrates you and one of the results of that is horrible headaches, and horrible headaches are a part of bad hang overs! So eat lots, drink plenty of water, and sleep in really really late! Have fun!

u must b from usa perhaps as drinkn on 21st is such a big deal and ppl have answered as we wud answer over here about an 18th
drink milk b4 u drink it lines ur stomach
stick to one kind e.g. spirit, wine or beer not mix unles u want to get wrecked and ur used to drinkn
on my 18th every1 bought me drinks and i was so drunk i was sick on the club doorstep (id been goin ther for 2 years b4 legal age nyway) and then want to my fave pub and sat on loo floor askn the bouncer and bar lady (they new me quite well) not to bar me then my friend went and got me crisps and orange juice whihc i put down sink lol then i got home aftter sayn i had no money i found 30 pound lol
i like triples, not doubles but triples, triple malibu and pineapple juice, try not to drink fizzy drinks as they bloat u and make u feel worse
wen u get to that dizzy stage and the room is spinnin upwards sit down and SIP water u wil most def b sick at this point but u wil feel beta after
if u happen to get alcohol poisonin (u wil b pukkin for a whole day after mayb even two or three if its ur first drink) then try to eat stuff and if its too bad go hospital
wen i was 16 i got realy drunk for first time (id drank b4) and i drank some miracle gro (plant food) in a 'mega mix' i made myself, iwas very ill for days from the alcohol but the miracla gro had litle effect.
if ur havn a home party ppl tend to get more drunk as it is cheaper and more relaxed i.e not bouncers or other strangers to worry about


Washington Apple Cocktail.

2.0 oz Apple Schnapps
2.0 oz Cranberry juice
2.0 oz Rye/Whiskey

Directions: Pour DeKuyper sour apple pucker and Crown Royal canadian whisky into a highball glass filled with ice. Add cranberry juice, more to taste if desired, and serve.

Knock yourself out.
Happy birthday!

long island ice tea....mmmm....but that also depends on where you get them some people make em nasty but they are pretty much all alcohol plus like a 1/2 shot of soda with some lemon...sounds kinda funky but it actually does taste like tea if done right....kamakazi shots are good....tequilla shots with training wheels (salt and lime...if you dont really dig tequilla, i drink it when im already drunk and dont care LOL) sex on the sprites, vodka cranberry, cosmos, tequilla sunrise, smirnoff, mudslides, white russians, mikes hard cranberry lemonade, bacardi coconut rum, daquieres, margarittas, all in all if you dont want a really bad hang over steer clear of the fruity drinks (the sugar increases the hang over) but it is your 21st your supposed to have a helacious hang over :D also get LOTS Of sleep afterwards, take 2 tylenol a big glass of water before you pass out...if possible LOL

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