Smoke question?!


Smoke question?

If I like just suck on the ciggarette and blow the smoke out without inhaleing really.... is the smoke going in my lungs? or no?

no but its in ur mouth and that can cause mouth cancer

Yeah. You have to inhale to extract the smoke in the 1st place.


No you are breathing the smoke, its going into ur mouth, ur not INHALING it into ur lungs.

Yes. Right when you suck it, that's when it goes into your lungs.

no, if you keep doing that, you will get gum cancer, instead of ling cancer....

stop smoking its bad for you

why would you do that? to look cool?

no, but it will go 2 ur mouth

No, not at all.. but what is the difference between lung cancer and mouth cancer.. :) I am a smoker too.. I hate that I am still smoking. .. but.. cigarettes are bad no matter what

What goes into your lungs is the smoke you have already breathed into the air. You're getting second hand smoke.

If you are just in a bar breathing you get smoke in your lungs, so putting it in your mouth regardless of not "inhaling really" yes you have just as good a chance as any person that smokes as getting smoking related diseases

No it isn't. It just makes you look like you're trying to be cool. Smoking isn't cool, it's retarded. I just recently quit after smoking for 25 yrs. Please don't start, that was my only regret in life.

Depends on what you're smoking!!

never smoke idiot...............

even if you don't inhale you still have to breath so second hand smoke you are breathing

Naw, its just floating around in the air. Your going to hear you are killing yourself with second hand smoke, and everyone else. I guarantee that!

put it this way

if you do that 100 times a day for the rest of your life

you wont get lung cancer
but its a waste of money

Do you plan on inhaling any time while the cigarette is lit? Just because you don't pull smoke through the cigarette doesn't mean it's not getting into your lungs. Smoking cigarettes is like screwing people at an AIDS convention.

well how long do you think that will last before you know it you will inhale you will be addicted and 40 years later you will have lung diseases....

sorry i am 35 and i started smoking the same way you saying i am now often in hospital trying to breathe... no friends are worth that darlin quit now while its easy ....sucking on a nebulator is not so sexy or cool...

No, it is not going into your lungs. But it is a quick way to pick up the bad habit. The nicotine is in your mouth, and is an addictive drug. Once you've gotten past the offensive taste, there's nothing holding you back from inhaling. I started just that way, to look cool in front of my friends. It's also harder from some people to quit, once they've started, than others. Don't play with it. It's more addictive than pot.

no, you are not getting it in your lungs.

Who smokes squares now a days? Lol, mostly older people. Well all I'm going to say is don't smoke at all if your not going to inhale it! What's the point then???

Yes, it is. You are at no less risk that if you plinched your nose and sucked thru the cigarette.

well the smoke is not going into your lungs, cause you are not inhaling it, but the nicotine is going to be absorb through out your mouth.

Not if you dont inhale its not. But whats the point?

no. i smoke,but if you dont smoke,dont ever start. that is a very hard habit to break.

i tried it before and no it won't and it's a waste of money if u do tht and it's gay

Huh? Just give me your damn cigarettes, wimp...

no, but at $5-$6 a pack, why the hell would u waste your monet it'd just stupid, just chew on a tooth pick or straw or chew gum, its soooo much cheaper.

You will get small amounts of smoke into your lungs. If you are not going to inhale into your lungs I would just stop. You get no nicotine, which is why you smoke cigarettes. If your not going to inhale smoke a cigar.

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