Answers: ok so here's the deal: im 15 and want to go and get drunk with some friends tomorrow night. i know all the long term risks of alcohol if you drink a ton of it really often, but i wouldn't let myself do that. so i wanna know if it's really that bad for a teenager to get drunk every now and then. im not talking about like once a month (because in my opinion thats not every now and then) but like 2 or 3 times a year. i mean, alcohol is legal in europe at 14, so is it really that bad? if it is then why? and will it impact my chances of getting into a university?
Yea it will be fun, I think the point is the reason for you drinking is so you can have fun with your friends right? And thats a perfectly good reason.
Don't listen to the puritans and fear mongerers, they just can't accept that young people actually can drink responsibly.
And no getting drunk does not equal irresponsibility like those same people would say, because there are plenty of examples of drunken ppl that do nothing irresponsible and just have a real fun time without infringing on other ppls fun.
lol 2 or 3 times a year will do absolutely nothing to affect you.
Fact: its drinking every day that causes liver damage not even a ridiculously massive binge can cause permanent liver damage if you give yourself a couple of weeks to recover. That makes sense too cause its the constant use that eats away at your liver. Only alcohol poisoning is an issue
Too much can lead to renal failure, alcohol poisoning or both.
Be prepared to spend a night in hospital or prison.
You have to start somewhere....In Europe alcohol is legal to all ages , because is a way of is served at everymeal to clubs...the alcohol is not a use to get is rarely use to have a good time.
I do suggest to eat very well before going out....Pasta, bread, etc. to diggest the alcohol quicker...
The alcohol content ( proff) is higher here in the States.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO don't do it it will ruin ur life 4 ever seriously DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me don't I'm serious
Drinking in excess is never a good idea at any age-Also, PLEASE-don't drive!!! Although I think it is a bit young to be getting drunk at your age, it would be hypocritical to tell you no, since I did it as well.
If you feel you MUST do that, make sure you are at a place where EVERYONE is staying for the night, and not driving/walking/bicycling anywhere-
Because alcohol alters your perceptions, and affects your motor skills, you don't want to be going anywhere, because it might be dangerous-And BE CAREFUL, since you don't know your limits(or those around you)you could black out, or worse, get alcohol poisoning, or pass out, throw up in your sleep, and choke on your own puke....
honestly i'd say just go for it. 2 or 3 times a year is like nothing.
just know your limits. don't drink too much, and just have fun with it.
I know how you feel.I was like that too.But the difference between me and you,is that I got drunk for the first and last time in my life at my 18 birthday party.At 15 years old,I didnt even think about tasting alcohol.And you know why?Because I was living in Europe,and nobody ever told me:you cant drink.but when something or somebody says it's not right,you wanna do it.
the only thing i would say to you would be:dont do'll regret it later.
and one last thing:dont compare europe with us.
I grew up in Europe and am currently living in the states, and there is definitely a difference between the two continents and alcohol use. The way that things are for teens in Europe are very different than the states, alcohol is not a benefit for us to have a good time, it is something that is there served with meals and it isn't a big deal. Alcohol abuse is definitely less common in Europe. I can't make this decision for you, it is something you need to decide on your own; it's your life. I would say that there are risks, you know them, but there is also the chance that something could go wrong in just one night. It's only bad when people make bad decisions under the influence of alcohol, and many people do; it's an inhibitor. Just be careful ... make sure you make a decision that you are comfortable with, don't get pushed in any direction other than your own.
drink drink till your heads in the sink enjoy go for it its fun just dont do it to often and forget whot all the do gooders say live a little enjoy i had my first drink at 7 years old 53 now and i still enjoy a wee drink now and then just be sensible and not to often HAVE FUN
Here is the deal. Some people can drink without having any problems at all and some people cannot. My advice is no fun at all, but it is something that really matters to each one who makes a decision to drink or do drugs. If there is anyone in your family who has a problem with drinking, then you should not try to get drunk. You would be most smart if you chose never to even try any alcohol at all. The genetic connection you may have to someone who is an alcoholic can cause you to be one too. I see no problem with having a little fun and getting drunk with your friends as long as you don't get into any cars to drive or do other things that could cost you your life for a minute of fun. There have certainly been a lot of people who have done much worse. But when you mess with any substance that can alter your mind, you may be messing with a far greater thing than you know. Stay safe and really think about it all first. You may even find that you really don't need to do any of that in order to have fun. And remember this, problems of any kind really complicate life. Who needs a more complicated life anyhow? As for getting into a university, drinking won't keep you from getting in, but getting disabled or killed while drinking sure will. And if you end up not getting hurt or disabled, there is always a chance that by being unable to be in control of your own senses while drunk you caused someone else to die or become disabled because you were drunk. What would come of that scenario could end you up in a prison cell and that would keep you out of university too, as well as haunt you in your records for the rest of your life. So make your choices wisely before you tip that bottle up. 15 is not the end of your life, it is more like the beginning and it would be a terrible thing to waste!
umm. dont be like me and have 4 cans of booze and 10 shots of vodka and trple sec and get sick.
go for it, you only live once! who gives a f***, being drunk is the funnest thing. im only 16 so i know how you feel about this matter. When i started i felt bad about it but in the end its fun!! you will love it.
I am all for drinking, safe drinking that is. But at the same time legal drinking is most important.
I was once your age and had to deal with the same not being able to drink because I am not 21. It does suck I know.
Drinking can be fun, but the next day is usually not. Also, if you get caught drinking underage the consequences can be quite brutal depending on your jurisdiction.
Yes, in Europe it is legal. Yes, in USA it probably should be legal. The fact of the matter is, states won't change their drinking laws because they won't get the extra fed $$$$.
So my advice, if you are going to drink think again. It really is not worth it. There are so many other things you can do.
For people who are of the drinking age. I am not against "responsible" drinking at all.
Sorry if I came off harsh! And of course we are all subject to our own decisions.
Hope this helps a little!
ok first of your always gonna end up doin sumthing stupid trust me iv been there countless times, i drink every weekend so do most of my mates theres nothing wrong with it. Just dont drink too much wen u feel yourself gettin really tipsy thats a good sign to stop drinking and just bask in your drunkeness. hav fun mate