Have you beaten the "alcoholic 12-stepper wrap?"?!

Question: I don't have daily cravings, sometimes I go months without thinking of drinking at all.

Here is my problem... I can go for a very long time without drink a drop. However, I love the effects of alcohol. I can even controll my drinking for a number of weeks up to a couple of months. BUT I never fail to "get on a drunk" at some point when I'm actively drinking.

Currently, I got a 4-day inpatient detox 2-months ago. have not drank since. Before that had drank with success for about 6-weeks. Before that had not toutched a drop in 8-months. Before that detoxed myself off a drunk. Before that... "just repeat."

I feel that I have two options, never drink again or controll it.
the never drink again deal seems best, but not practical.

Anyone ever been in my shoes and turned it around? If so, How. Or do you think it can be done?

Answers: I don't have daily cravings, sometimes I go months without thinking of drinking at all.

Here is my problem... I can go for a very long time without drink a drop. However, I love the effects of alcohol. I can even controll my drinking for a number of weeks up to a couple of months. BUT I never fail to "get on a drunk" at some point when I'm actively drinking.

Currently, I got a 4-day inpatient detox 2-months ago. have not drank since. Before that had drank with success for about 6-weeks. Before that had not toutched a drop in 8-months. Before that detoxed myself off a drunk. Before that... "just repeat."

I feel that I have two options, never drink again or controll it.
the never drink again deal seems best, but not practical.

Anyone ever been in my shoes and turned it around? If so, How. Or do you think it can be done?

I believe somewhere out there is a program which encourages social drinking. It doesn't preach the abstinence of AA. Everybody's got to make their own decision about personal well-being, what works for some doesn't work for everybody.

I think it seems like you have come to a point where you feel like alcohol controls you, you don't control alcohol and if that's the case it's probably better to just quit. Usually if you are binge drinking you are doing it to get away from your feelings and "self-medicate". I don't mean to sound preachy and I love my cocktails ALOT. And there have been periods in my life when I have definitely been an alcoholic. But somehow I have managed to never go beyond a point of no return. Now I only drink occasionally and sometimes I get drunk and sometimes not, it just depends on the situation. Do what you need to to feel like your life is in your control, not in the control of alcohol.

i am a recovering alcoholic.it took me 35yrs; of drinking to see the damage i was doing to myself and loved ones. i went to rehab,lasted 3weeks instead of 6mths; have never looked at a drink since. i am 3 years clean now, every day is a battle ,that today i am winning. life is wonderful when you can remember.you have to want to stop drinking or you never will. i wish you so much luck,and wish i could advise you further.

Fear is the lack of faith. Control is an illusion. You never beat the steps........you work them. Been there, still doing that. Keep the peace.

If you stop drinking now you'll just be a quitter.. don't be a quitter lol its NOT COOL...

on a more serious note though I don't see how quitting entirely can be in your best interests.. being able to stop whenever you like is the ultimate goal not denying yourself of the pleasures of alcohol. Drinking becos you want to and not becos you need to is perfectly ok. Enjoy!

there is no such thing as "controlling it"

you might think you are controlling it for awhile but soon you'll realize its in your best interest to never drink again.

i tried that method for years. and each time i'd go out and get drunk for the first time in months would be an even bigger disaster than the time before.

i am just over a year sober now and know that as much as i might want to, i can never drink again

It seems to me that drinking doesn't work for you--at some point it always ends in disaster.

You say that "the never drink again deal" isn't practical, but frankly I have to wonder how "practical" drinking is for you if you are ending up drunk and in detox each time you try it!

I am not at all fond of the 12 step thing myself, having been there, done that for many a year. I'm not going to suggest you go to an AA meeting! But I do think you might benefit from some support. Look at the SMART recovery website for starters.

Good luck!

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