Am i an alcoholic?!


Am i an alcoholic?

I've been drinkin a lot here lately.At least 4 mixed drinks of Evan Williams 100proof every night or every other night.when not that its beer.My nerves are screwed up till i get a drink and i feel shaky and pissed off till then.I kinda feel like i answered my own question

Additional Details

2 months ago
P.S. it doesn't disturb my judgement i'm still who i was before alcohol

2 months ago
and about the pot thing i've smoked for 5 years and just recently quit for a job.and yeah drinkin was secondary to that

2 months ago
P.S. it doesn't disturb my judgement i'm still who i was before alcohol

2 months ago
and about the pot thing i've smoked for 5 years and just recently quit for a job.and yeah drinkin was secondary to that

hmmm...I had similiar experiences as you- I also couldn't get the thought of when my next drink would be out of my mind. I get sit and try to get work done, but all I cuold think about was alcohol- that's when I started to see that I had a problem.
I am now three months sober through AA. Not only am I sober, but I am at peace with myself, my past and loving each moment I get to live. AA has worked miracles for me!

Good Luck to you

If you have any questions just send me an e-mail and I will gladly write back to you. Nothing like helping another drunk.

Welcome to the club.

i drink two beers every day

I would say so. From what you've described, you've got a dependency to alcohol. A good limit for drinking is no more than 6 standard drinks (for males) or 4 standard drinks (for females) on no more than five nights of the week.

alcoholics go to meetings do you? if its a nerve thing try pot that will chill you out.

you actually don't drink that heavy I know a lot of drunks that drink cases or bottles everynight I think for you it is a psychological addiction and not a physical addiction. Find a hobby or something that calms your nerves such as working out

your nuts that much booze defiantly affects your judgment

You are an alcoholic if alcohol negatively affects your life in any way. Now are you an alcoholic?

If you feel the need to ask the question, then I believe you already know the answer.

You are an alcoholic, there are different types you are just a functioning alcoholic, the fact that you feel you need a drink to calm your nerves is proof also if you are drinking like this alone is more proof. Being an alcoholic doesnt always have a negative effect on you or your life but in the long run drinking like this could be bad for your body. I would try and cut back a bit if possible or maybe seek some professional help. Again, there is nothing wrong with it though and at least you are able to function in life.

I don't know if you're an alcoholic or not, but I'm a recovering one and when I drank, I drank like you describe. Take from that what you will!

I got sober in AA 8+ years ago; you might want to give it a try. It worked for me so it might work for you too.

sound like a legit dude. Let's hang.

You are ok.I drink at least 12 beers a day after work and have done this for 21yr

I don't like labels; but if you NEED something, then you are dependent on it. Re-read your question; perhaps you will find the answer.

If you're getting the shakes....well, like you said, you answered your own question. But lighten up, man! Ted Kennedy is a huge lush, and he's doing alright for himself! Lol

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