Do you agree with me or not?!
I love watching my soaps in the evening like Eastenders, Corrie and Emmerdale and Hollyoakes but they drink SOOOO much all the time everyone is always in the pub ... Roxy makes drinking a neat vodka look sexy and tanya loves her red wine!!! I know people will say 'well dont watch it then' but I love em all ...(yes i know saddo lol) ...
Do you think these programs should cut down on the amount of booze thats consumed, I know its not real booze and only a program ... But its hard to give up drinking when they are all constantly drinking and making it look like is safe to drink that much ...
Whats your opinion??
Answers: Ok, well I am trying to give up drinking alcohol as I drink far too much so doing it really for my own health and dignity!
I love watching my soaps in the evening like Eastenders, Corrie and Emmerdale and Hollyoakes but they drink SOOOO much all the time everyone is always in the pub ... Roxy makes drinking a neat vodka look sexy and tanya loves her red wine!!! I know people will say 'well dont watch it then' but I love em all ...(yes i know saddo lol) ...
Do you think these programs should cut down on the amount of booze thats consumed, I know its not real booze and only a program ... But its hard to give up drinking when they are all constantly drinking and making it look like is safe to drink that much ...
Whats your opinion??
I'd have to agree. I don't drink anymore but when I did, and when I was trying to quit, people on TV used to make it look so glamorous and it really made me want to drink at times! Even watching desperate housewives, with those beautiful wine glasses and it all looked so nice!
Yeah, they do make it look too enticing - it doesnt' appeal to me anymore but I can see why it would to people that were still drinking, or had just recently quit.
yeah they should not good for the teenagers to be getting ideas
i agree
I think the way alcohol is glamorized in the media should be cut down. Many studies have shown that the amount alcohol is constantly on television, in movies, etc has quite an affect on under-age drinking. The media definitely needs to cut it back a bit, and show more of the negative aspects.
yep, but they do it for the drama...your life is reality though...
I agree they should not be seen drinking quite as much. Lots of parents watch soaps when the kids are even young kids can see this kind of behaviour
I don't have the best answer; but at least I can relate. I tend to drink more when the people on the shows I watch drink more. I love to watch lifetime, but when they drink I drink! Even when it's a show about young teenagers who have drinking problems, etc... I drink too. It's like my excuse. If you really want to quit you should try not to watch. Seriously, if it's that important to you then that's what you need to do. It all comes down to how bad you want it! or DON'T want it.... Good Luck!
I agree with you, that's a very good point.
Ive stopped drinking for the same reasons you have.
go cry somewhere else cause u obviously think ur a better person now that u dont drink and let us booze lovers to live our own lives
You drink too much (but feel guilty about it) and you like Eastenders, Corrie and Emmerdale and Hollyoakes.
Your not married to me by any chance are you? because you sound just like my wife.
I say you shouldnt base your reality on some fake soap opera. Everything on tv is the fairytale people are drug addicts and then go to treatment and are not just in a snap. Maybe you should stop wanting to be so cool and like everyone else and just be you. TV is not reality not even "reality" tv is reality.
its not theyre responsibility to appeal to people who are trying to quit. if you dont have the willpower [to either suck it up and watch or quit watching] then deal with the consequences. its their show, its not their fault you have no willpower (no offense).
wow.... you need a life.
Well, when a pub or drinking comes up in the program "pretend " its apple juice or something to loose weight but keep in mind alcohol is bad for you. I would say that at least twice daily do YOU will know for a fact..
Well done for giving up, I had to do the same but I found I couldn't stay stopped for long on my own so I had to get help from AA. I'm now sober 5+ years and it's been the best thing I have ever done.
When I see people drinking and it looks glamourous I just remember that my drinking stopped being glamourous a long time ago and for me 1 was too many and 100 were never enough. The first drink does the damage because I couldn't control my consumption after the first one.
You raise an interesting point, well done. But why should you "try to give up"?
Common sense should prevail here. The red wine they drink in soaps is probably blackcurrant juice, otherwise chaos would soon prevail. The pub is a valuable British institution, its for meeting, greeting, exchanging views, and having fun. It would be the same even if alcohol was not served except for the saddos who need "the buzz" to get any confidence. All things in moderation, and everything is fine.
My opinion is that you're far too heavily influenced by the behavior of fictional characters on a soap. It makes me wonder why.
I have to agree with you 100% it makes them all look like alcholics the way they drink and it doesn't help people quit like you. There simply is no need for it.