Does liquor go bad?!


Does liquor go bad?

so my mom seperated her bottle of Vodka half for me half for her well I still have my half and it has been about 6 months since it was opened is it still good?

Yes liquor can turn bad, but if you sealed it tightly in a cool and dry place it should last pretty long - especially vodka as it has a very high alcohol content and it has been distilled. Liquor can turn bad because some types of bacteria have the ability to turn alcohol into acids. When they do that, you get vinegar instead of your alcoholic drink - this is the basis for the creation of red wine vinegar and rice wine vinegar. Also, some liquors have very high sugar content, so if left exposed, molds can grow on it. In fact, liquor if first and foremost created with the help of yeast which is a fungi. Expect the alcohol to decrease over time as well as ethanol is very volatile. It tend to evaporate fast if the bottle is not sealed.

Get drunk enough and you wont care if it does.

you can keep liquor good for a long time. it will last a lifetime if unopened.

If you kept it in the freezer or at least the fridge. The alcohol content breaks down over time once it's opened.

It is still good, are you going to drink it? If not why have it around for that long, you can always give it to me ; )

Not in my house.
Also, if alcohol is so bad for you and can shorten your life, how come they use it as a preservative?


it can go bad if you dont keep it cooled.

No, as long as it's closed, it will keep for ages!

The alcohol content is too high (at least 80 proof) for that to happen. It won't go bad, but could evaporate in time.

Liquor will not go bad. What actually happens is that the alcohol content would evaporate a little. So it may actually feel less "alcoholic" or smoother.

It depends on how well you have sealed the bottle but 6 months should be alright. It is definitely safe to drink.

Have fun!

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