What do you think about underage drinking?!


What do you think about underage drinking?

I'm writing presentation for speech class about how underage drinking is a serious problem and should be treated with harsher punishment. Just let me know what you think, you'd help me aout alot!

Underage drinking does cause some serious problems for some teens. Poor decisions are made while intoxicated for people of any age but many people do not realize the brain is still developing until you're 21 yrs old.

As far as harsher punishment goes, I think the parents need to keep a grip on their kids and know what's going on in their lives and take some responsibility.

I started drinking when I was 14 yrs old. My mother could care less. She even took me to bars when I was 16 because she didn't want to go alone. She always bought me and my friends beer when we were going out. She made a big mistake and many other parents do as well.

Parents need to let their kids know the difference between right and wrong and they need to correct any problems going on in their own lives as well as their childrens. I think there's an epidemic and these kids need help more than they need punishment.

I think it rocks, some of the best times of my life were out on the knacker with my mates on a hot summer day. The only way to learn about life is to go out and live it, always reject what your parents and teachers say when your a teenager.

I used to drink a lot when I was underage. I believe all kids at some point and time will. As parents I believe we should allow this at home in the safety of our homes where we can control it and know that our kids are not out driving drunk. I don't believe it should happen all the time no, but every once in awhile yes. Hope this helped you.

I think the legal drinking age should be 21..then a lot of people would not be underage. They are old enough to go to war...they should be able to drink if they want to. Harsher punishment for underage drinking? Well....I suppose you could take away their driving privileges. I guess I am not sure what punishments are being given out currently.

To give money and purchase unconsciousness is the result of ones ignorance..

It all has to do with the laws/culture of the US. Drinking is a taboo and cool thing for kids to do at an early age? Why, because it is not allowed until age 21. But you can get a driver's license at 16. The logic in this is backwards. Allow kids at age 16 to drink, but not get a driver's license until age 19. Guess what? You just removed the taboo and the ability for them to get into car accidents. Plus getting a driver license needs to be much more difficult and expensive. Not every person should have a license. In Germany you have kids that can drink at age 14/15 years old - but rarely do you have drunk driving accidents with kids. Why? Because they cant drive yet!

Its not the same as underage drinnking was when I was younger, say just 12 years ago. Then people drank and had fun. They did not try to see who could drink the most or who could do the most dangerous thing.

Now days its not just the alcohol harming kids its all the stupid things that kids do after getting drunk. drag racing, unprotected sex parties, vandalism, fighting, the list goes on and on.

Also now there is a lot more pressure to crack down on drinking. You have MADD Mothers against drunk driving, and many other groups outside of law enforcement with political and local power which puts underage drinking in the spotlight. My true opinion is if kids weren't such risk takers the drinking wouldn't be quite as dangerous.

America is messed up with this issue. Other countries that don't regulate drinking ages don't have the problems because its not a big deal. If you are raised drinking little amounts of wine/beer while your growing up, (drinking responsible). Most likely when you get in your teens your not going to start being irresponsible.
On the other hand, being told No, No, No all the time, They will drink underage, and that's where the problems start.

Since you are against underage drinking, you probably won't like my answer. I feel if you are 18, you should be allowed to drink. Not buy any adult beverages, but you should be able to drink. If you are drunk and caught driving, then, no matter how old you are, you should face the strictest penalty allowed. Good luck on your report kid!!!

I am against under age drinking, because it is illegal but, i do not care what the set 'legal' age is. (heck look at the laws on 'drinking ages' in the whole world and the U.S. is behind on the majority of the thoughts on the subject)

Making laws to regulate stupidity is and would be a never ending process plus part of the cause for the crazy amount of laws we already have. You tell someone they can't have it and the first thing they do is run out to get it.

Instead of having so many young people receive a criminal record, that follows them forever, how about laws against parents who have a child caught doing the illegal acts - if there has to be more laws at all.

Parents need to take responsibility for the raising of their own children ... not push their responsibilities off to the state and federal laws because it is convenient for them!

I think underage drinking is a phenomenon that is not stopable. The drinking age in the US is too high, that means people meet secretly to drink (get drunk) and then they drive (cuz driving age is too low). I think if the drinking age would be lowered a bit and the driving age put up the people wouldn't have drinking parties and try to get drunk so often.

I got about 3 MIPs back in the day. the court thing sucked, but besides all that, i had a blast! there's nothing they can do to stop it; there's always ways around it. damn kids!

i think that if the legal drinking age was reduced to 18 we would have a lot less problems with underage drinking and drunk driving. because we wait so long to become legal i the kids get the rush and mostly because they are told that they cant. normally when you are legal to drink by then it isnt a big deal. you dont hear about all these drinking problems in european countries where there are no legal drinking ages, so why not let someone who can fight and die for our country be allowed to drink without being punished.

i think it was allot of fun but have to be carefull of when, where, and if your parents are going to find out.

whats your age

Punish the parents; sh*t rolls down hill, eventually the children with comply with there parents wishes of not drinking, even if the parents are worthless, they will care about monetary losses over there lack of awareness, or concern for there children.

Like any substance issue, harsher punishment is not a deterrent, it just backloggs the court system. I think that for all underage people, there should be one of those devices installed in their car that they have to blow into to determine if they've been drinking before the car will start. That way, when they turn the legal age to drink, they will already have established a good routine and habit of not drinking and driving.

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